Get to the Blog!

It’s been a busy couple of days!

Monday afternoon our friends were coming over for dinner. They stopped to pick up something at the store near us, and when they were ready to leave the store, their car died! We managed to get their car here, but it would take longer to fix it than they had daylight left, so they spent the night 🙂 It was […]

Ok, so it’s been a few days!

We left here on Thursday morning to go to my mom’s. She lives six hours away. Well, eight when we go through Atlanta at 4pm. Only 7 if we go up over the mountain and through part of North Carolina. IF we ever managed to go through Atlanta at an off-peak time (is there such a thing in Atlanta?) it […]

Borrowed a book yesterday…

…that I have never read. Believe it or not. “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare” – I’m excited about getting to finally read some of the things I’ve heard so much about 🙂 I probably read bits and pieces in literature books in school, but I don’t really remember. And probably never anything unabridged.

Another weird dream!

First there was a wedding between Donny and someone. Donny had (at least) a little brother. My mom took pictures of them and put them into frames for gifts to the couple. I vaguely recall some rehearsal bits and a little of the wedding itself, but not much. We lived in an apartment down the hill from a school that […]

I refuse to acknowledge Boggy’s ending!

She can end the story however she wants, but I REFUSE to accept that ending!Part OnePart TwoPart Three By the time the doctor arrived, he was feeling much better. The doctor did a cursory examination, helped him to his feet (and her to her wheelchair) and told him sternly to make an appointment within the next week for a more […]

I had a reallllllly weird dream this morning!

I dreamed we lived in a large … apartment, I believe. It was big – from the back door, which opened into a kitchen, there was a large dining room/computer room, then an open space, then a bathroom, then a small hall that opened into a bedroom, then coming back down the other side there was a medium sized room, […]

Continuation of my story…

After reading the first part (below), please read part two at Boggy’s Blog… then continue with this installment: Her tears of grief turned to tears of joy when he suddenly, after a long minute, coughed and began to breathe again. “Nurse!” she called out frantically, “Nurse! I need help!” The nurse hurried over to see what was wrong. She leaned […]

Short Story written for a challenge.

“Must use the words: fleece, coffee, medication, blue, wrap, plunge” “Have you taken your medication yet?” the nurse asked, as she gently rearranged the fleece wrap on the elderly woman’s wheelchair. The woman nodded at the nurse and patted her blue hair as she checked her reflection in the mirror over the small vanity. Today she was going to do […]

I’m tired!

We got up at 3:30am today, to drive a little over 3 hours to Walnut, MS, to take my sister-in-law and her children to meet their daddy (who lives 9-10 hours away from us) and to pick up our other nephew who is spending a couple weeks with my inlaws. My dh is taking a nap… I’ll probably go to […]

Today was a full day!

We went to a Scottish Festival in Madison today. That was a lot of fun! They had all kinds of neat stuff to see and do. Our friends Tom & Mara were there (Mara had a Discovery Toys booth) with their two boys, and Tom’s parents were involved in the Scottish Dancing. After we left there, I got to see […]

I added a link —>

Wanted to call your attention to the new link at right – my brother’s blog. He starts off (at the bottom of the page for those of you who are new to blogging) with some basic history of our family. ————– Got a new cell phone today. The other one was a certain type of network only, that isn’t available […]

Our A/C is dead.

Woke up to the unit outside SMOKING. I’m in a mad rush to get the house clean so we can call the landlord. By myself. With a hurting foot. Can I throw myself a pity party? ::sigh::

Weird Spamblocker

I can’t figure this out. I have a spamassassinator, that catches a LOT of incoming spam. However, somehow, one of my lists does weird. It’s Joke-of-the-day. The actual joke email nearly always gets sent to SPAM, while the ADS of which they send three or four a day, DON’T! Urgh!!

My foot hurts.

My right foot hurts when I walk on it, and when I move it wrong. It’s in the same place that I had a fracture when I was much younger. I don’t know if it’s a flare-up of that, or if I’ve done something else to it. It’s been this way for about a week now. :sigh:

I’m Catch-22 by Joseph Heller

You’re Catch-22! by Joseph Heller Incredibly witty and funny, you have a taste for irony in all that you see. It seems that life has put you in perpetually untenable situations, and your sense of humor is all that gets you through them. These experiences have also made you an ardent pacifist, though you present your message with tongue sewn […]

I’m Ireland!

You’re Ireland! Mystical and rain-soaked, you remain mysterious to many people, and this makes you intriguing.  You also like a good night at the pub, though many are just as worried that you will blow up the pub as drink your beverage of choice.  You’re good with words, remarkably lucky, and know and enjoy at least fifteen ways of eating […]