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Weird dream…

I dreamed we were moving into an apartment in a big building and the door opened on a long hill that led down to the parking lot. We had a van parked about halfway up the hill on a more-or-less flat area (although at one point it seemed like the ground for miles around the van was flat – one […]

Think you know me?

Take the How Well Do You Know Dawn? quiz… you have to put in a name and email address to see your results, but it doesn’t HAVE to be a valid one. I would appreciate some indication of who you are, though, if you don’t mind 🙂

We applied for a loan.

The loan arranger (I just love that term hehehehe) seems to think we will get it with no problem. We are waiting to see what sort of loan he can find for us. We need as little downpayment as possible. We won’t know anything until Monday because today is the last business day of the month.

Ugh, dream!

I dreamed I was on a trip, the whole family. We stopped at a gas station and Robby went inside, and while he was inside, I saw a man – named “Rick” – who was some kind of criminal or something and whom I apparently had been instrumental in putting behind bars at some point or something. Anyway, I turned […]

Possible move…?

This doublewide is what we’re looking at… it’s very nice, and has a huge fenced back yard. We are looking into financing options. Prayers in this matter would be appreciated!

My poor garden!

It’s all overgrown with weeds. But still producing a little bit. The carrots are still growing and the cantaloupe (we got one today) and one lone watermelon. I haven’t checked the green onions and garlic chives lately. Got a bunch of laundry done today. Whew.

Not much to say today

I did a lot of running around town today, and not a lot of the stuff I had planned to get done while Robby was gone to SC with his dad. I had a lot of good intentions, but not enough follow-through 🙁 The other day I bought four DVDs at Dollar Tree – 2 Jack Benny, 1 Dick van […]

I’m going red!!

I am sitting here with henna on my hair, waiting for it to sink in well, and hopefully after I rinse later, I’ll be a redhead 😀 I’ll put a picture or two in here when it’s finished.

I have a vision

…for my bedroom. Well, for my whole house, really. But I’m not positive it’s attainable. In my head, my bedroom has a bed; a nightstand on my side with a light, my Bible, and whatever book I’m reading at the time and a drawer to hold my glasses, barette, notebook, and pencil/pen; a dresser with our clothes inside and nothing […]


I just got off the phone with someone I have not had the privilege of speaking with in YEARS (literally!)!! She was my mom’s best friend for many years, but they lost contact when my parents split up. Now her husband has died and she is trying to find my mom again!! Wow!!