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Last night I dreamed

that I was at some sort of school or something (I waited too long to write this) — anyway, and former President Clinton was there and I shook hands with him and I was excited – not because it was Clinton, but because it was a former President. Pretty weird LOL!

Back from Camping!

We’re back from five days of camping – in tents, with no electricity and no plumbing – by a creek in Tennessee. It was BEAUTIFUL weather! We had a great, relaxing weekend. It’s a shame we can’t ‘get away from it all’ more often!

Saturday night dream

We were moving. The house we were moving into had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a room with a pool. The back door had three ‘panels’ – the middle was the actual door and the two side ones had windows. The window panel on the right of the door was also a door that did not have a lock. We […]

“I don’t think…”

I saw someone type in a chat “my messages aren’t working, it doesn’t seem”… and I hear people say, “It isn’t working, I don’t think” and things similar. I hear myself say “I don’t think…” too often. Now, really. When I’m saying something like that, I’m saying what I DO think, not what I DON’T think. It would be more […]

Weird dream…

I dreamed we were at this Bible school thing of some kind. There was a big dormitory building that had a big multi-unit bathroom and several dorm rooms for two people each. I was in a room directly across from the bathroom.At one point, I was in the bathroom and it was flooded and the bottom of my skirt got […]

Weird dream…

I dreamed this morning that I was in some large restaurant/advertising place, and next to me on the wall/table/divider was a bottle marked “Scrumptious Reagent” (if you don’t get the reference, see Kingdom of Loathing) and I asked the guy who worked there how much it was, and he said there were 20 servings in it, and the whole bottle […]

Went to the dentist this morning

and had one temporary filling, one permanent filling, and one partial root canal. Ugh. After that, Robby was going to change out the oil pump on the 15-passenger van, but was unable to get to it (he’d have to drop the transmission)… so that will have to wait until we can afford to do it. Bummer.


We cleaned out our white minivan thoroughly, to take it over to Decatur to get a new engine put in. We drove both vehicles to Huntsville, where the blue 15-passenger van’s oil pump gave up. We pulled into a Taco Bell parking lot, and had a snack while waiting for my mom-in-law (on her birthday, no less!) to come up […]


I think it’s time to henna my hair again; it’s starting to have a little bit of non-red-coated root showing. We have thus far been unable to find a house in our price range that isn’t either falling down on itself or un-re-sellable. I did have the thought that – if we are forced to stay here too long – […]


So, we are not moving; we’re still looking; only God knows when/if we’ll get something larger. Meanwhile, things are going along as normal. We’re planning a big camping trip, which should be fun. Not much to say this morning. Maybe later.

More musings.

We spent all day long driving around town (5 hours), looking for houses for sale. We have asked, but not yet received… sought, but not yet found… knocked, but the door has not yet been opened unto us. Sigh.

Interesting development…

The little house I mentioned last night was a For Sale By Owner. This morning she called and said she changed her mind about selling. I cannot describe the relief I felt at that statement! Sometimes, I like things being taken out of my hands, as it were… so we are still looking. Robby remembered this morning about someone who […]


I can’t help but wonder why? Why did God allow us to look at – and fall in love with – a dwellingplace that appeared to be perfect for us… one that had things arranged in a way that we liked and would enjoy… and then YANK it out from under us? Was it to teach us to be content […]

The other night,

when Nate thought I was sleeping, he laid down next to me and said,“Dear God, Please help my toe feel better, and…” some other things I can’t remember now, and “help us get that new house. In Jesus Name, Amen.”It was so sweet! I had a dentist appointment yesterday morning. I was hoping for a filling but ended up with […]

What a day I had today :)

My friends’ son had his seventh birthday today. It was great fun! We went to their mom’s house for hamburgers, hot dogs, cake & ice cream, and the kids broke a piñata, and he opened presents, and it was so much fun 🙂 Also there was my friend’s sister, who is foster parent to a sweet little baby girl, who […]