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I was dreaming this morning about a house that has been in my dreams before. Large house, large dining room behind a large living room, cupboards in the dining room behind the table, down low, had signs of a previous mouse infestation in my last dream about the house. So this time, we had just found out about a special […]

Special meetings ramble

Our church is having special meetings this week. Today was day one. The evangelist was talking about healing and said, if God gave him the gift of healing, he would be at the hospitals, the burn centers, the cancer centers, clearing them out. I agree; if I had that ability, I would do the same. At least, as long as […]

Church musings

I was thinking tonight. You know how usually even small towns (in the southern US, anyway) have at least two of each denomination of church? Seems to me, if church people – both those in charge and the congregation – follow the Bible, there shouldn’t be more than one in small towns. And when there is more than one in […]

Do you realize

…that there are more than two candidates for President? IMO, EVERY candidate should be included in the debates. They should ALL be covered by the media. The American people should be aware that they have more than TWO choices! For those who weren’t previously aware, the current *main* Presidential candidates are: George W. Bush – Republican, incumbentJohn F. Kerry – […]

Wednesday morning…

we went on a field trip to Huntsville’s Train Depot. It was fun, and I’ll have pictures up before long. While there, I had the privilege of meeting a delightful lady from England (who grew up in London). We had a nice bit of a chat before we had to be leaving. She and her husband of 50 years were […]

[Fwd: Another candidate]

{QUOTE} This is the *other* guy. Take a look, if ya like him pass it on. I don’t know how many people even know about this person. One of the problems with the *other* candidates, is they are little known, and while people may really like them, they don’t vote for them because they are afraid of wasting a vote. […]

I watched the debates.

Transcript of Debate #2 I do not at all understand how anyone can be in support of Kerry. I just don’t. God bless President George W. Bush, and may He allow him another term! Some of my favorite bits: BUSH: “And what are his health programs? First, he says he’s for medical liability reform, particularly for OB/GYNs. There’s a bill […]


My dear friends Filip & Kim and their six children came to our house today! They spent all afternoon and evening with us. It was great! The children behaved quite well (10 children total!) and we played some games (board & card) and they went to church with us this evening. Filip said, “We just doubled the congregation!” LOL! I […]


I dreamed last night that one of my friends was doing a new sort of pregnancy test. The test had a spot for a bit of blood, which one would get from her pricked finger, and then two pages underneath; one page was for negative and had possible other causes and other information, and the other was for positive and […]

One would think…

…that now that we have a house, dreams of houses would be of the past, but not so!This morning I dreamed that we moved into this house that had one room on the left end that was huge, where all the kids had full-size beds and plenty of room between them; the middle room where our bed… and someone else’s […]


Whew… I was sitting here reading on the computer last night, and got engrossed, and when I “came back to myself” the whole house *shifted* (that is, in the trailer I sat against the long front wall, with the kitchen to my left and the rest of the house to my right…. here, I am against the short wall on […]

Wow, moving is WORK!

Sorry I haven’t been updating much! You can follow our move Here and by following the “next” links on that page and the ones following. There are currently four pages, from 9/8, 9/11, 9/16, and 9/18. I plan to take some more pictures and put up another page tomorrow. I am still having trouble wrapping my mind around that this […]

You know what would be interesting…

…if an oven had TWO knobs – each marked 0 to 350 degrees. With an additive effect. Therefore, if you wanted to bake at 450, any combination that added up to 450 would work (one knob at 350 and one at 100, for example). Not only would this help teach addition, but also degrees of a circle, at the same […]

House news

Well, we painted most of the outside today. I have pictures of the updated landscaping and the house but they’re still on my mom-in-law’s computer. I tried to copy them to my webspace but they didn’t go. I’ll try again tomorrow, hopefully. Also, the current owner had a load of dirt delivered to help fill in holes in the yard. […]