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No more storage payment!!

After 7 years of paying $40/month for storage (ugh! We could’ve OWNED a nice storage building!) we are finally storage-payment-free!! We emptied it out and sorted through it (well, *I* sorted through it) and are planning to sell a large portion of it in two weeks. What a job that was!! We threw away approximately half of it. May end […]

Been a while!

Wow, two weeks… didn’t realize it’d been that long. Haven’t had a lot to say… my personal hand-written journal has a few blank sections, also. My next OB appt is Tuesday. We’re hoping to get our storage unit cleaned out today so we won’t have to pay another month on it. That’s about it at the moment!

Funny dream!!

This morning I dreamed that there were teeny-tiny penguin chicks in my carpet – barely big enough to be seen amongst the carpet fibers. They were so cute!! AND I also dreamed (and this is a recurring theme, too) that I got a job (at Bi-Lo, in this case, as a greeter ) but could never remember to check and […]

Dream this morning

I dreamed again about my first boyfriend… but this time was different. In the past, the dreams have had a sadness, that he was ‘unattainable’ … but this time, it wasn’t like that. In the dream I told him, “Even though our current relationship” (or lack thereof LOL) “never changes, I know that some of my most pleasant memories are […]


I dreamed this morning that we were at a camp of some kind, and it was the morning of the day to go home. As we were lying in bed before we got up, the phone rang (which it really did, this morning) and it was Robby’s dad (which also happened this morning – thankfully, the rest of this did […]


I cleaned up the pile in the living room a couple days ago and cleaned out my closet today. (My bedroom is a mess, but it will clean up when I get that far). If I keep this up, I’ll have everything gone through in a couple weeks 🙂

Weird dream!

I dreamed we were somewhere visiting, and some other people were also there. One was an extended family relative, who was there without his wife… he kept sort of hitting on me It was very strange. This is not someone I’ve ever been even remotely attracted to… and even in the dream I wasn’t, but didn’t discourage him because I […]

It’s been 10 days…

…not much has happened, really. We started school on the 18th (we homeschool, and we will be taking six weeks off between Thanksgiving and Christmas for the holidays and new baby). That’s about it, I guess.

My parents are visiting!

My parents got into town this morning. We have had a great visit so far, and they’ll be here tomorrow, too! Last night we had friends over (with whom we endeavor to get together every week at least once) and got playing a game and they ended up staying over (they live an hour away) because the game ended so […]

I am very upset!

I created – from scratch – a web site for Dee’s Comedy Cafe – a local business. After purchasing it, the owner chose to host with another company (which is not a problem). The problem is that the other company is claiming they built the site, which is a LIE! The other company is BNC Computers. If they will lie […]

I dreamed this morning…

…that I could see perfect little baby feet pushing forward through my belly… the outlines were perfect and I could tell that each foot had its requisite five toes… …and there were FOUR feet!