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Two dreams this morning

First dream – I was working on decluttering & cleaning my house, and making progress … I had several great open spaces and clean surfaces! (Too bad I see no way to TRULY do that in this house.) Second dream – I was at a flea market with the family. At one booth, I was looking at baby clothes, and […]


Oh, dear. This is WAY TOO *me*!! Librarian 38% Flamboyance, 43% Originality, 32% Deliberateness, 25% Sexiness [Tasteful Conventional Random Prissy] You don’t pay too much attention to fashion and far be it from you to spend hours on designing outfits which could shock your friends. If you ever shock them it’s by how little you care about the clothes you’re […]

Political test

You are a Social Liberal (66% permissive) and an… Economic Conservative (61% permissive) You are best described as a: Libertarian Link: The Politics Test on Ok CupidAlso: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

Enneagram “test”

the Peacemaker Test finished! you chose BX – your Enneagram type is NINE. “I am at peace” Peacemakers are receptive, good-natured, and supportive. They seek union with others and the world around them. How to Get Along with Me If you want me to do something, how you ask is important. I especially don’t like expectations or pressure. I like […]

Roseart Magnetix are dangerous!

A Quote: This letter comes from a local midwife’s client whose son was injured… “The word needs to get out so that Roseart, the maker of Magnetix, will be forced to do the right thing by comsumers. Magnetix is a toy building set – consisting of marbel-sized metal ball bearings and posts and other shapes, which have magnets encased in […]

John Luke tried “real” food!

Yes, at 4 months, we have already allowed the baby a taste of big-people food. We were having rice, and since rice is one of the things that they recommend starting a baby on because it is unlikely to be an allergen, we gave him some on his high chair tray. It kept him quiet the whole meal! He got […]

Are You A Slacker Mom?

Are You a Slacker Mom? Your quiz results make you a Zen Mom How do you do it? Even when explosions are all around, you are able to take a deep cleansing breath and chant your mantra “this too shall pass.” You are a calming influence on your kids in a hectic world. Take this free personality test by Clicking […]

We went camping for the first time this year :)

We were getting antsy, knowing camping season was coming up and looking forward to it eagerly! So we decided we would go at the end of March (March 29-April 1). So we spent a couple weeks sorting things and buying things, etc; and we attached the trailer and headed out on Wednesday, March 29. We got to camp about noonish, […]

What Kind of Princess are you?

What Kind of Princess are You? – Beautiful Artwork (Original Music is BACK!!!) The Noble Princess: You are just and fair, a perfectionist with a strong sense of proper decorum. You are very attracted to chivalry, ceremony and dignity. For the most part you are rather sensible, but you are also very idealistic. Role Models: Guinevere, Princess Fiona (of Shrek) […]


MY tv – the one on my desk – is going back in my closet. It has become MUCH too much the center of my kids’ lives. It’s a BAD thing. It’s going. Today. Urgh.

John Luke is growing!

I can hardly believe it. At 3.5 months, he can reach the ground in his walker and actually MOVE it a little! He is such a delight! He reaches for his toys now and plays with what he can grasp. He loves bead-mover type toys.

Lost my diamond.

It occurred to me, vaguely, in the night, that my ring was catching on things a lot more than usual (it’s always caught on things, because the diamond sticks up a bit in the middle). I looked at it this morning, when it really registered (and I was awake) and the diamond is gone.

“No Choice”???

Oh, brother!! The political cartoonists are screeching about “no choice” in South Dakota. I beg to differ! People are no longer allowed to have abortions — to KILL their babies — in South Dakota. Yay, SD! They do, however, have a CHOICE. They *choose* whether they will have sex – “protected” or otherwise. They *choose* to be intimate with people, […]