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This is just WRONG!

Ok, so maybe “Democrat,” “Republican,” and other parties are necessary for the country, I’m sure I don’t know. In my opinion, though, they are for the COUNTRY. For Presidential elections, mainly, and possibly for House and Senate elections, they are useful. I think, however, that LOCAL elections ought not mess with parties. Even as local as state. In Scottsboro, Alabama, […]

Which Sesame Street Character are You?

You Are Ernie Playful and childlike, you are everyone’s favorite friend – even if your goofy antics get annoying at times. You are usually feeling: Amused – you are very easily entertained You are famous for: Always making people smile. From your silly songs to your wild pranks, you keep things fun. How you life your life: With ease. Life […]

Now THIS one wasn’t so bad!

I dreamed I had a job-at-home doing something fairly easy (I don’t remember what), and I got my check (couple hundred dollars) and was going to take it to the bank and found a stack of previous checks I hadn’t taken in yet, like 20 or 30 of ’em – ALL over $200 LOL! Too bad I don’t have that […]

I didn’t tell you about this…

On Sunday night, we went out to eat with my in-laws. While we were sitting there, it came up that Robby and his mom had both taught on the same subject without having spoken to each other about it. Timmy (9) piped up, “Does that mean they’re psychopathic?”

Very weird dream this morning!

So, there I am, an employee at this … circusy type place. Only it is in a set place, not travelling. And the place is a mansion with acreage. HUGE place. The day is over. I put up my stuff, all the while being beset by a little BRAT of an owner’s grandson. I even TOLD him he was a […]

I have a high threshold of pain.

I’ve always known this, but I’ve just been ruminating on that. I had a dream this morning that I’d developed a hole in my right side just under my ribs, and it wasn’t bloody or anything, but I had a piece of ‘tube’ and, at the end of the ‘tube’, an organ (not sure which) that kept trying to come […]

What’s your mothering type?

Your type is: enfp  —The “Kids R Fun??? Mother “Whatever I enjoy—playing tag or singing in the car—I can do it with kids around. And it’s totally legitimate!??? Playful and energetic, the ENFP mother finds her children to be good company and enjoys being with them. In fact, she says being with children justifies her own “being a kid again.??? […]

Horrible, terrible dream!

I was dreaming along about this nice big house and the kids and all, and in the dream I was taking a bath with the baby, and I hopped out to check on something and got interested in something one of the other kids was watching on tv, and when I got back to the bathroom, the baby was lying […]


I’m not an exemplary housekeeper. Never have been. It isn’t my mom’s fault – she taught me how to do everything necessary. It’s my own. I’m a procrastinator. Have been most of my life (if not all of it). I know what needs to be done, but I “don’t wanna” do it. So, since I’m an adult, often I choose […]

More Random Thoughts

I’m up way too late. I really ought to go to bed when I’m *ready*… it’s when I push past that, that I end up staying up too late. My husband has a PDA. It has a game on it called “swars” which is a space-type text trading game. The object is to retire (after 50 turns) with the most […]


Some thoughts I’ve had recently, in no particular order. My baby is growing up too fast! He’s already starting to sit up alone! Not very well, yet… but he’s getting there quickly! I think I tend to be a bit too complacent. I get comfortable. “Status quo.” I got a really good deal today, on a 1.3 megapixel digital camera […]

In Which Era Do You Belong?

Which Era Do You Belong In? (11 Results w Pictures) Victorian EraYou’re not a prude, just conservative. You’re a realist, a no-nonsense person. So why did you take this quiz? Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code

My new favorite song!

My brother told me about it. It’s called “O’Shaughnessy’s Lament” and he found it on iTunes. This page tells the story of the song, which is based on a real person. If you have iTunes, check it out. It is the only song that comes up on a search of “O’Shaughnessy” (which, incidentally, is my maiden name). It is well […]