…and a Happy New Year!
May God bless you and yours greatly during the coming year!
Meanwhile, back on his home planet, Forno, in the town of Ziti, Biff's best friend Neal Parmesan sat in his comfortable recliner, watching the news. His phone began to vibrate, the first notes of the popular song "Lasagna" sounding tinnily through the room. Grabbing the device, he wiped the screen [...]
Read MoreI asked my kids for words... they gave me the following: word, chivalrous, peanut butter, Yoshi, pony So what follows is what I came up with from those words. The light brown pony, who was just about the same color as peanut butter, stood chewing calmly by the fence as [...]
Read MoreMay God bless you and yours greatly during the coming year!
And remember, however Christmas started, it has become a day when Christians take time to remember the earthly birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will to men!
Got this from my friend Kim‘s blog… You Are a Snowman Friendly and fun, you enjoy bringing holiday cheer to everyone you know! What Christmas Ornament Are You?
Big brother Bobbyand John Lukeshare a “Kodak moment”(left) … See my Tabblo>
You paid attention during 91% of high school! 85-100% You must be an autodidact, because American high schools don’t get scores that high! Good show, old chap! Do you deserve your high school diploma?Create a Quiz
HowManyOfMe.com There are:142people with my namein the U.S.A. How many have your name?
But kinda neat, too! I lived across the street from my friend LA, who is a midwife. One of the ladies we know mutually was lying on my couch, sleeping, exactly 2 weeks past due (the ‘current’ date was something 12th, but I can’t remember now what month, though it was in the dream). The children were watching something on […]
…check out Nature BackPacks! They have neat sets, and they can be adjusted for the family’s needs! It’s an excellent product at a great price.
This is totally ridiculous! A man whose last name is “Dell” – since birth – started a web site company. He bought a domain name for it (DellWebSites.com). Dell decided to SUE HIM!? See more here: DELL WEB SITES
Well, I felt better this morning. I made Sweet Potato Souffle and took it and the pumpkin pies to my MIL’s house and ate with the family. It was good.
We have relatives in town whom we rarely see… and I can’t spend time with them because I’m sick and feverish. I have been looking forward to this for WEEKS, and now this. Wah! Well, at least the kids are getting to spend some time with their cousins.
Got this from my friend RoseyGrape’s blog. You are 49% Canuck! There may be hope for you, run for the border, the Northern border you damn yank! Maybe then and only then can you be saved. If you were closer to 34% just stay put, Canada doesn’t need your kind. How Canadian Are You?Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
Apparently Magic Erasers aren’t as harmless as the manufacturers hope we believe… This little boy had a terrible experience, and he is not an isolated case.
Don’t forget time change tonight! Oh how I wish they’d do away with that… if you agree, check out www.standardtime.com – they have an excellent proposal there for the abolishment of DST.
…I have just the thing for you! Please check out this web site: Joan’s Cover Dolls My mom makes these!
I have a separate blog for it… only because the place has all kinds of neat stuff to help. It’s accessible at ExtraPounds.com.
Now you have to “register” and be “logged in” to comment. I’m sorry for the inconvenience of it, but the spam (over 1000 in 3 days!) has really gotten out of hand, badly.
PLEASE title your comment “personal”… so I can find it amongst the spam comments I have to moderate.. UNLESS you already have comments showing on my blog, I have it set to let me decide whether to let the comment show, and I have been getting a ridiculous quantity of spam comments and it’s hard to dig through which are […]
(no pun intended)… The other three kids had their eyes checked this week. Nate will be getting reading glasses similar to Tim’s. The eye doctor came out and told me that, “I have seen eyes as good as Bob’s & Rachel’s, but never any *better*!” so that was very good news!