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Great article from Worldview News

Quit Inviting People to Church For many years I used the same illustration when it came to my approach to witnessing. It was a story about waking my grandpa up in the middle of the night by waving a flashlight in his face. My point was that he did not respond very well to my method of awakening him and […]


I was VERY impressed with Chick-fil-a! We went through the drive-through, and the sandwich I got looked EXACTLY like the picture on the menu! How many restaurants can say that? Robby’s sandwich did, too. And they were FRESH and they were DELICIOUS!

Had a great trip!

This trip has been so nice and relaxing! Even though it was only two days, it has seemed like a longer vacation because it has been so restful! We left Friday morning about 3:30am. I had about 4 hours sleep before we left. The children all went immediately to sleep in the car, even the baby. We woke them up […]

Fun quiz thingy

() Smoked a cigarette () Drank so much you threw up. (x) Crashed in a friend’s car. (As a passenger) () Stolen a car- (x) Been in love () Been dumped () Been Laid off/fired (x) Quit your job () Been in a fist fight () Sneaked out of your parent’s house (x) Had feelings for someone who didn’t have […]

What a way to spend a day.

So Robby decided that since today was my birthday, it would be a good day to get my car fixed. It needed an alternator. It was making a horrible high-pitched squeaking noise. We purchased an alternator and found a guy who would put it in for us. He commented that part of the noise might well be the belt (a […]

Crazy dream

I was with a friend, planning a party. We were not at either home, but at a neutral location. Her mom was there. At some point, we ran out of time, and my family (husband and kids) came to pick me up. She asked if we could stop by her house for a few minutes and Robby agreed we could. […]

Another February 16…

If you look back in my blog, you’ll see a similar message here on every February 16. “Happy Birthday, Cheryl – wherever you are!” Cheryl was pretty much my only female friend for several years, and I still miss her.

Fun Name Changes

Got this from stirene‘s blog: YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color and favorite animal) Blue Cat YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, and current street name) Marie Edmonds YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name and first 2 letters of mom’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your hometown) […]

*Name Withheld* wrote:

Note: dh=dear husband, dc=dear child(ren) actually my dh pointed this out as I was discussing with him the discussion on whether homeschooling was a biblical mandate or not and if you are *in sin* by not homeschooling. we are to encourage one another to love our dh’s and respect them and to submit to them….and yet, what do we breed […]

One wild dream!

This has to be the wildest dream I’ve had in a long time! To start, I was getting dressed to go somewhere to meet some boy. I was living at home… probably 15-16 in the mirror… and we were living in a place we have NEVER lived. Big kitchen, huge freezer (chest type). I was wearing something with a semi-low […]

What yarn are you?

What kind of yarn are you? You are Shetland Wool. You are a traditional sort who can sometimes be a little on the harsh side. Though you look delicate you are tough as nails and prone to intricacies. Despite your acerbic ways you are widely respected and even revered. Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | […]

2006 in (blog) Review

Got this from StIrene‘s blog: Year in Review Instructions: Go to the FIRST BLOG of each month for the past year. Copy-n-paste the LAST SENTENCE of each blog. That is your Year in Review. January: Tonight he fell asleep on my lap; I laid him in the basket where he continued sleeping; and when I headed for bed, I picked […]