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Looking at learning styles

I am reading a book about homeschooling, in which it talks about learning the learning style of one’s students (children). So I found several quizzes online to help discover these, and on one of them (though it typifies all of them, pretty much), my result was: Your result for Howard Gardner’s Eight Types of Intelligence Test … Linguistic 14% Logical, […]


I do update letters for the grandparents, and it just occurred to me that I could post them here, too. Don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. So here goes! It’s time for another update! 🙂 Sarah Ruth is 5 months old already! She is sitting well, though she still can’t get herself into a sitting position. She […]

Self Control

I read somewhere that self-control is “knowing I can, but choosing NOT to.” I think this is a very good definition! That said, I have been sorely lacking in self-control as it relates to healthy diet. I have a touchy gall bladder (although it really isn’t, if I eat properly), and have recently been choosing to enjoy fatty sweets (my […]

Boy, am I behind… again.

Of course, I have good reason! Sarah Ruth is now a little over 3 months old and prefers to be upright, which means someone has to hold her, and I usually take care of that job 😉 John Luke is also needing more supervision these days, as he, at 3.5, has decided he can do all kinds of things, and […]

Great homeschooling list

I may not agree with the attitude showing in some of these, but the sentiment is valid! The Bitter Homeschooler’s Wish List by Deborah Markus, from Secular Homeschooling, Issue #1, Fall 2007 1 Please stop asking us if it’s legal. If it is — and it is — it’s insulting to imply that we’re criminals. And if we were criminals, […]

I have nothing to say.

Really… but I’m behind again. Sarah is nearly 4 weeks now and doing great! She is gaining well, eating well, sleeping well. We all love her! I am losing weight! I’ve always heard that it’s easier to lose after having a baby – especially when nursing – but never experienced it until now. I’m down to 204 last I weighed.. […]

Welcome, Baby!

Our newest daughter, Sarah, was born 3/27 at 5:19pm. She weighed in at 10 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 22″ long. We are delighted with her! You can see pictures in the gallery and on her page 🙂

Oh, yummy!

For about a week now, I’ve been wanting barbecue ribs. A few days ago, we bought some beef ribs and some barbecue sauce, but they just weren’t *right*. Today while my husband was at Walmart, he noticed that the deli now makes barbecue ribs! He bought some and brought them home. THEY really hit the spot!! Delicious!!


I was thinking about drawers and what wonderful/awful things they are. See, a shelf that is 1‘x4’ gives you 4 square feet of “stuff space”… but a DRAWER that is 1‘x4′(x1’) gives you 4 CUBIC feet of “stuff space” … usually at least DOUBLES what you can fit in there. It’s a great thing for a packrat like me! (And, […]


I had a dr appt today (see Sarah’s page), after six hours of 4-minutes-apart contractions… with no real progress. I comfort myself that I can at least get more done around here, and it won’t be more than four more weeks, for sure!

Tuesday, February 10

Our friends came over and helped us redo our living room, kitchen, and hallway floors! Now instead of horrible beige can’t-get-clean carpet, we have beautiful wood-look vinyl (waterproof, too!) floors! We are very grateful for this much-needed change!

February… wow

So I was looking at my ticker and it says “48 days to go” … WOW! 48 days does not seem long enough to get done with everything I want to do before Sarah arrives. On the other hand, if I make a point to NOT procrastinate, then it is very possible, though ambitious. And more so if I can […]

A New Year

Wow. Starting another year, already! Where DOES the time go? I don’t do resolutions. They tend to only exist to be broken. I do have a few goals for this year – not the least of which are: To see improvement in my children’s attitudes and obedience. Consistency and self-discipline in myself. Improvement in the condition of the house at […]

The Christmas season

It’s been busy so far! Sunday evening we had our Christmas play at church. It went much better than we had hoped, considering how late we started working on it. Monday, our friends came over and we exchanged gifts, fellowshipped, and about half of us played a new game I got while the other half watched a movie. Tuesday, we […]