Critters on the Loose (Fiction Friday)

I took a story starter from Goats, sheep and chickens belong on the farm, not in the middle of a four-lane interstate road. Applying the brake, I eased my truck to the shoulder. As I stepped out, the animals began to scatter. I knew it would be pointless to chase them, as they would only run farther, so I […]

Freeform Friday

In keeping with last week’s Friday entry, I shall begin with the letter A. Maybe. Alliteration always affords amusement, Although annoyance also appears. Attention askance, aspect abhorrent – And alarming – attacking and austere! Yeah, ok, so that wasn’t entirely free form… but it was kind of fun. Ok, freeform, for real… still attempting the letter A. Awesome. Apples, autumn, […]

Thursday Theme Song

Veggie Tales – Busy, Busy Lyrics Artist: Veggie Tales Album: Miscellaneous Songwriters: Lisa Vischer, Phil Vischer I’m busy, busy, dreadfully busy You’ve no idea what I have to do Busy, busy, shockingly busy Much, much too busy for you Oh, I see We’re busy, busy, dreadfully busy You’ve no idea what we have to do Busy, busy, shockingly busy Much, […]

Ten for Tuesday

Ten things that make me smile: 1. My children (I could list them separately and have six out of the way right there, but that would be sort of cheating). 2. Chocolate. 3. Sunshine on a cool fall day. 4. Thunderstorms. 5. Walking into a clean room. 6. Eye contact. 7. Office supplies (you know, staplers, paper clips, push pins, […]


“Fire!” The cry spread through the rooms of the wooden cabin like, well, wildfire. The children quickly threw their things in their duffel bags and exited the building to board the buses waiting outside. The last four – the owner, another driver, a woman, and a teen – went through the cabin room by room, from the side farthest from […]

Monday Musings

Monday, the first day of the work week, is often touted as a day of beginnings. “I’ll start my diet Monday.” “I’ll start decluttering Monday.” “I’ll start reading my Bible again on Monday.” Well, today is the day! Why not pick something you’ve been waiting to start and do it? “Do it now, don’t delay, don’t put it off for […]

Sentimental Sunday

We have a “new” tradition (formed over the last several months) of having Sunday lunch of Jennie-O Turkey Roast, mashed potatoes, and green beans. Since the roasts cook over 2.5 hours or so, it makes it perfect for putting in before Sunday School and having it ready when we arrive home (I *do* have to turn the heat down a […]

Fiction Friday

She opened her eyes, slowly, keeping them squinted against the brightness of the sunlight. She sat up abruptly, then regretted her hasty action, as her head began to pound. Closing her eyes tightly, she stayed as still as possible until the pain lessened. She tried again. A field surrounded her, the plants only ankle-high. Several hundred yards in any direction […]

Freeform Friday

Friday. Friends, fellowship, fun. Frantically finishing final feats. Finally free. I have always been unaccountably fond of alliteration. Maybe I will try doing a verse for each letter of the alphabet. That might be amusing.

Letter to Taco Bell, Scottsboro, AL

Taco Bell 308 County Park Rd Scottsboro, AL 35768 To Whom It May Concern: I would like to take a moment to let you know that we visit Taco Bell restaurants all over the southeast, and of all the Taco Bell restaurants we have visited in the region, your store is the absolute best. We have not yet found one that measures […]

Nine Years

My dad has been in Heaven for nine years now. How incredibly long – and how incredibly short – a time that seems. While I was not a “daddy’s girl” or particularly close with my dad, we did have things in common and we did talk (or IM) regularly. Occasionally I think of something I wish I knew that only […]

Watching Commercials – and Earning?

Yes, it is possible. I have only recently joined (it’s free to join!) so I haven’t made money yet, but I know someone who has, so I know it really works. It’s Varolo – which is set up to help advertisers AND consumers, by allowing consumers to watch advertisements when they want to, and advertisers know that their ads are […]

Update Letter

I’m sorry that I have been remiss in sending updates! I looked and it appears I have not written since FEBRUARY! I did not realize it had been that long. A lot has happened in the intervening months. Of course, I turned 40 in February, so that was a pretty big month, but I believe I already mentioned that in […]