
I’ve joined VirtaPay (back when it was and they have now introduced the idea that Facebook is a good way to verify people’s identities, and that they intend to require it. I have written an essay explaining why I think it’s a bad idea. (Non-VirtaPay users that may be interested may contact me for the essay if they’d like… […]

How unremarkable

I must live a most unremarkable existence. I have nothing going on that anyone would be interested in asking about (with the exception of, occasionally, my children). We have no involvement in sports, art, or scouts. We belong to no clubs or organizations (except church). We homeschool, so there are no school-related items (such as science fairs or field trips […]

If I could visit any country…

I would love to visit Scotland one day. When I was young, my family was planning to go, but it never materialized. Ever since then, I’ve wanted to visit Scotland. It is a country of beauty. It is a country of castles. And, it is a country that needs Christ.

“If I only had weeks to live…”

I got thinking about this today. I hear of people who are told they have terminal illnesses. It occurred to me that, you know, we never know how much time we have. I was thinking that if I *knew* I had only a few weeks left, I would make videos for my children. I’d spend more time making memories. I […]

Daylight Savings Time

When told the reason for Daylight Savings Time, the old indian said, “Only the government would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.” VERY WISE Indian there!!

Family is forever

I know it’s a cliche, but it’s true. People may “disown” their family, but the blood tie remains, regardless. We have been blessed to spend the last few days with family that we don’t see often enough. My husband’s oldest sister, her husband and her youngest three children came to visit. We have enjoyed many pleasant activities together, and it […]

Coffee or tea?

I am definitely a coffee person. I have never cared much for tea (though I did drink hot Red Rose tea with my mom occasionally as a child). I don’t do cold on either one of them, either. Iced coffee or tea just is *wrong* to me. Although, I do have to say that Sonic’s java chiller is really good […]

Another Song Comment

One of the earliest things we learn about sentence structure is making the tenses match. If it’s past, it’s past; present is present; future is future. Mixing and matching is inappropriate. The song in which this bothers me is the song “Sheltered in the Arms of God.” The sentiment of the song is great, but the use of the word […]

Know what I hate about blogging?

I hate trying to come up with something about which to talk. Actually, what really annoys me is when I write this whole long awesome post in my head, but forget what it was before I get to my computer. That is just frustrating. And once I forget it, I NEVER remember it again!!

February Update Letter

Hey, people! There really hasn’t been a lot to talk about this month, even though I feel like it has been a very busy month. I hope your February has been calmer and more relaxing than mine! The picture at left was drawn by our very talented Rachel. She has been improving by leaps and bounds! I think she could […]


I’ve always enjoyed board games of all types. Once computers became more common, I enjoyed computer games as well. And now, I have both. I have games like Scrabble, Boggle, and Chess on the computer. Talk about the best of both worlds!


With nothing to say, still yet I’ll say it; With nothing to offer, no wisdom for you. With nothing of use and nothing of value, Still from my fingers flow letters of blue. My brain is so clouded, I haven’t a thought Of any good knowledge or news here to tell. I think that it’s bedtime or else, maybe, downtime […]


Sarah decided to throw a toy. While the action was intentional, the result was not. It hit me, right next to my right eye. I think this is the first time I have cried like that over an injury in years. Nice little lump (I put ice on it), but I suspect it is going to hurt for a few […]

Say what??

Bobby bought some IBC Creme Soda. John Luke saw it and eagerly asked him, “Can I have a beer?!” LOL! And just for the record, he has neither had, nor even SEEN beer in this house!

Song Musings

Did you know that the lyrics to “The King and I” by Mosie Lister are nearly impossible to find online? At least, I was unable to find them. We learned it in our church choir. I thought that it seemed an odd, not-exactly-pleasant way to end the song – its chorus, that is. It says, “How He could care for […]