Bobby’s Social Experiment
Bobby decided to do something a little different the semester of Fall 2013. It was appropriate, since this was the semester when he took a Psychology class. He decided to dress radically differently every class day (Tuesdays and Thursdays). I have chronicled the experiment here for the viewing pleasure of my friends.
Day One | Day Two | Day Three | Day Four | Day Five | Day Six | Day Seven | Day Eight | Day Nine | Day Ten | Day Eleven | Day Twelve | Day Thirteen | Day Fourteen | Day Fifteen | Day Sixteen | Day Seventeen | Day Eighteen | Day Nineteen | Day Twenty | Day Twenty-One | Day Twenty-Two | Radio Interview | Day Twenty-Three | Day Twenty-Four | Day Twenty-Five | Day Twenty-Six | Required Play Viewing | Day Twenty-Seven | Day Twenty-Eight | Day Twenty-Nine | Day Thirty | Day Thirty-One | Finals
He just texted me that there’s a good chance that people may be avoiding him now!
It seems the main reaction to this outfit was shock – surprise that anyone would ACTUALLY dress like that.
Sure enough, there was not much response today, since his outfit actually looks quite normal. Next week, though, should be interesting. Stay tuned!
Day Six: 80s (loosely based on Ted from “Bill & Ted”) – 9/5/2013
Day Seven: Working Man – 9/10/2013
Day Eight: Just Awoke – 9/12/2013
Interestingly, he said the comments were primarily regarding the slippers! Nobody seemed to care that he was wearing pajamas.
He said there are more people mentioning that they have seen him dressing differently every day.
Bobby met up with someone from one of his classes in GameStop. It was obvious the guy recognized him, and they talked a little.
Day Eleven – Lumberjack – 9/24/2013
Nobody asked, but that’s okay.
Day Twelve – Secret Agent – 9/26/2013
Day Thirteen – Medical Professional – 10/1/2013
He said that, at this point, people would probably be more shocked if he DIDN’T wear something different!
Day Fourteen – Hunter – 10/3/2013
Since Bobby is planning to hunt this season, he had the outfit, so here he goes! “Be vewy, vewy quiet…”
Day Fifteen – Gamer – 10/8/2013
He said the most common comment was, “I’m not even going to ask!” and most of the looks went to the hat.
Day Sixteen – Fashion Anarchist – 10/10/2013
Day Seventeen – Ninja – 10/15/2013
He mentioned that someone in his first class said, “Ninja?”
Day Eighteen – Preppy – 10/17/2013
Day Nineteen – Clark Kent – 10/22/2013
He said that his theater teacher asked him if he was really interested in theater, since he is wearing a costume every day! I think he is the first teacher to say anything about it.
Day Twenty – Connor – 10/24/2013
Day Twenty-One – Roman Soldier – 10/29/2013
He had someone ask him if he was going to be in a play.
Day Twenty-Two – Zombie – 10/31/2013
“I’m almost full on horror movie material… I’m only really spoken of in whispers.”
Bobby was interviewed by a radio station in New Mexico! You can hear it here: – it starts at 27:46.
Day Twenty-Three – Jerk – 11/5/2013
He heard a lot of, “Oh, nothing special today?” LOL!
Day Twenty-Four – Musician – 11/7/2013
Several people asked if he actually plays violin (he does). Also, he met some interesting looks in Walmart after school. Most people dress DOWN to go to Walmart, I guess!
Day Twenty-Five – Honoring our Heroes – 11/12/2013
Day Twenty-Six – Gamer Mk2 – 11/14/2013
Required Play Viewing – 11/16/2013
Day Twenty-Seven – Random – 11/19/2013
Day Twenty-Eight – Artist – 11/21/2013
Day Twenty-Nine – Black Friday Shopper Survivor – 12/3/2013
Day Thirty – The Morning After – 12/5/2013
Day Thirty-One – Domestic Servant – 12/10/2013
Finals – 12/12/2013-12/17/2013
Ah, the 10th Doctor. How appropriate!
Bobby, have fun perplexing your fellow students.
This is great, not very socially accepted I am sure, not that Bobby would care about that anyway LOL Loving it cant wait till next class day. It’s my new reality show LOL
Too funny and too fun! I’d love to see pictures of the kids’ faces when they see you in class, not to mention the teachers’!!
Maybe he can get a few pictures when he goes as a Tourist! LOL!
I was expecting him to wear sandals, black knee socks and a Hawaiian shirt with a camera hanging around his neck. Guess that was too much too hope for, ROFL!!!
You know, I think Tom’s kilt would fit him!! Whataya think, Bob?
You know, I think Tom has a Roman gladiator costume from a church play he was in Bobby could borrow. Of course, he’d have to come up with his own helmet. Tom doesn’t have one of those.
I am with Aunt Cathy. Bobby’s Social Experiment is my fave reality show!! Maybe he should pitch it to a network??? It could happen.
Hey, he could so do that one! You KNOW his hands are clean! Probably cleaner than some actual doctors and nurses!
I wanna know if he actually keeps the hat on all day! LOL And how did he get Timmy to part with it?