Monday holidays

I can understand why they attach holidays to the weekend – and Mondays are especially good for adding to a weekend, because who really wants to have to go back to work (or school) on Monday, of all days? Who is really ready for the weekend to end? My problem is that I need to learn to continue the same […]

Vision Forum

Vision Forum is a great place to get Christian books and other great items, both for yourself and for gifts. Right now, you can also enter to win a gift certificate worth $100 or more!


Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. Not only because I love to eat, but also because it meant having a chance to spend time with family and friends, fellowshipping and enjoying each others’ company. From as early as I can remember, we got together with people at Thanksgiving, and while we have not always been able to […]

Train set and table

This train set was on sale at Tuesday Morning for half of what is usually charged for the table alone. I think it was money well spent, as the littles (especially) are loving it! I fully expect the older boys to play with it, as well.

Ten Things I Don’t Understand

1. Why would lenders rather end up owning a house they can’t unload, instead of selling it to the current buyer at a lower price? 2. Why do makers of small children’s programming use such annoying and repetitive songs and chants? 3. Why do some people seem to have an easier time staying up all night and sleeping during the […]

Scheduling and Delays

We have discovered that things tend to go more smoothly – to some degree – when we have a schedule that we are attempting (and usually failing) to follow. Therefore, we have once again set up a schedule. It started out well. We got up at the prescribed time, and got through the first five items listed. The sixth was […]

Dinner on the Grounds

That is one of the things that happened often in churches of yesteryear, and not so much nowadays, but our church has dinner on the grounds three or four times a year. Today was one of those occasions. Everyone pitches in to bring a little something, and we end up with an amazing feast! We are blessed to have many […]


I did good for what? Three weeks? Then, life got in the way and my blog’s priority level dropped, and now there is a blank spot in the middle. Well, it isn’t the middle YET, but it will be. Consistency is difficult, and sometimes impossible, but as long as you pick up and keep going, the brief lack of it […]


I do a lot of research online. I look stuff up for myself, for my children, for my family and friends. A lot of those searches end up in the same place – Wikipedia.

Short Story Contest is having a Short Story Contest this month. They are thinking that people who are interested in writing but not quite ready for NaNoWriMo might want to try something a little smaller, but with slightly greater rewards.

Excerpt from my NaNo Novel

One beautiful fall day around noon, Dorothy was humming as she put together a pumpkin pie. She crimped the edges of the crust and poured in the filling, topping it with sweet crumbles. She slipped it into the oven and wiped her hands on her apron just as a knock sounded on the door. “One minute!” she called out cheerfully, […]

I’m thankful for…

…a good dentist who likes my children. …a car that can make it an hour away twice in one day. …a sign language class that I enjoy. …a roof over my head and a floor under my feet, surrounded by walls. …a loving family. I am so blessed.

November 1st – National Half-Price Candy Day again!

This happens about four times a year: February 15, the Monday after Easter, November 1, and December 26. These are four of my favorite “holidays” of the year – despite the fact that nobody needs candy and it isn’t good for us. I love sweets; I love the taste and the whole experience – and especially at discount prices. No […]

Ten Quick Questions

1. Which book are you currently reading? Inkspell 2. Do you smoke? No. Never have, don’t want to! 3. When was the last time you got angry? Yesterday when I tried to get a piece of forum software to work and it refused. 4. When was the last time you laughed until you cried? Um. Within the last three weeks, […]