My grandmother died today.

My mom’s mom. I’m sad that I didn’t keep in touch better; I was very close to them when I was a child. I’m sad that my children never got to meet her. I’m glad I have hope of seeing her again in Heaven. This is only the third close family member in my life that God has taken home.

Weird dream…

Weird/sad… We lived in an apartment on this highway – three lanes each way with a median between – and one day I found a scooter on the median, abandoned, so I took it home. I had a great time riding it here and there. My mom & dad came to visit, and we went with them and a dear […]

My word!

I’m a bit behind!! It’s been a *week* since I last posted here! I’ve been very busy. I had a web site to do – I think I’m mostly finished with it, unless the customer isn’t happy, in which case I may have a bit more work to do. With Christmas coming up, I have a lot I need to […]

According to

“With your charm and charisma, it’s no wonder you’re so popular. It is that easy-going attitude that makes you the preferred penguin wherever you are. Of course, you’re not one to squawk, but you can’t help it if your plumage turns heads. Rest assured, you are as smooth as a bottle of the Little Penguin Merlot.” Well, I can’t say […]

Couple things…

First, I found out that the embroidery hoop I bought hoping to use it for quilting – won’t work for quilting ๐Ÿ™ Second, I crocheted FIVE snowflakes so far ๐Ÿ™‚ Not too bad.

“I Doubt It!”

I taught the kids how to play “I Doubt It” tonight. We had great fun!! Also, I crocheted a snowflake (using the pattern here) tonight, and I’m planning to teach the kids how to make them tomorrow!

I made pie!

My first time ever making homemade apple and pecan pie. I used a store-bought crust but did the fillings of both myself. They came out pretty good, too!! Yummy!

Looks like a quiet Thanksgiving.

My inlaws are out of town, our friends are going to KY, our other friends have sick kids, and our other friends invited us to join them but Robby didn’t want to. So I’m going to make pie anyway, and probably eat too much, and totally undo the tiny bit of headway I’ve made into losing weight. So what.

If anyone has tried to email me…

…I am having trouble with email. Our old server is dying and we are in the process of switching to a new one, which comes with its own issues that need to be hammered out. It is very frustrating to be unable to send and receive email! I am looking forward to everything working properly again!!

Enjoyable evening!

Rachel & I went to a Keeper’s Club at a friend’s church tonight. We had a great time and learned how to make doll-size quillows. This is a club we would love to attend monthly! If you haven’t heard of it, check it out, it’s neat ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Veterans Day!

Thank someone in the military for your freedom, today! We were going to have a parade, but it got rained out – it wasn’t raining very hard. In my opinion, they should have had it anyway – the veterans fought even when it rained, so shouldn’t we honor them even when it’s raining? God bless America, and if any veterans […]

What a neat day!

First my friends from Huntsville were here (2 adults, 8 kids) and they stayed for dinner along with my friends from Albertville (2 adults, 2 kids) and us (2 adults, 4 kids) for a grand total of 6 adults and 14 children (20 people!) for dinner ๐Ÿ˜€ It was delicious, if I do say so myself, and the fellowship was […]


This morning I dreamed I got to meet President GWBush… not just in passing, either, but over several days. He was visiting a college where I was (with my family). It was really neat. I hated to wake up LOL!

Four More Years!

Bush is officially continuing as our President. I am glad Kerry is *not* our President. May God have mercy on America, and may Bush be blessed as our Commander-in-Chief and President!