“Social Networking” is fascinating!

I joined Facebook a while back because a couple of my friends were on there and I wanted to see what it was like. I added several more friends found through their “friend-finder” which takes one’s address book from any email program and checks to see if those emails are registered with them. One of the friends I added was one of my very best friends in the world who I met at college in Michigan.

She married someone and ended up living in Nebraska.

So yesterday, I decided to just run through her friends list, to see if there was anyone else there that I knew but hadn’t added to MY list yet. I recognized one name, but was a bit suprised to see it on her list, because (as it turns out), I was vaguely acquainted with the person from another college in another part of the country!

Following friends lists from one person to another, I found six or eight people whose names I recognized (and several whose names looked vaguely familiar, but not enough to be sure I knew them). I requested “friend” status with the ones I was pretty sure I knew. One of them turned out to be my roommate in the 2nd college!

There were only two or three “degrees of separation” between the two of them, which I find incredibly fascinating. I would not have thought that I could find friends from one college by looking at friends lists from someone I knew from the other college, but apparently it is, indeed, a “small world after all!”

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