
We ate at Captain D’s for Timmy’s birthday. Nate was a little wild man 🙁 Then we went to Wal*Mart and got Tim a pair of cowboy boots and he got a racetrack with his birthday money. I’ll put up pictures when I get some.

My house is hopeless.

There’s no way. There is NO way on God’s green earth that I can EVER have a clean house. There is NO way I can declutter. There is NO way anyone will ever come into my house and say, “Wow! This is beautiful!” There is NO way. Sigh.


It’s one of those days when I really want human contact (besides my children who, though I love them, are just not the same)… and there is none available. I have things to do and don’t feel like doing it, even though I’ve begun and have accomplished some, it just isn’t enough. The more I do, the more hopeless it […]