Ten Things I Don’t Understand

1. Why would lenders rather end up owning a house they can’t unload, instead of selling it to the current buyer at a lower price?

2. Why do makers of small children’s programming use such annoying and repetitive songs and chants?

3. Why do some people seem to have an easier time staying up all night and sleeping during the day?

4. Why do people always want your attention when you’re trying to concentrate on something, and not during the several hours on either side when you aren’t?

5. Why does it take so much to motivate people to clean up after themselves? Shouldn’t a clean and tidy living space be enough motivation?

6. Why are fleas so hard to kill?

7. Why do kids not hear their parents when they’re standing a foot away, but they can hear the tiniest sound of candy wrapper from the opposite end of the house?

8. Why are people more willing to clean up for company than for family (you know, the family that LIVES here)?

9. Why does it appear that laundry reproduces when we aren’t looking?

10. Where did the years go?

4 thoughts on “Ten Things I Don’t Understand

    • Author gravatar

      It does not appear to mulitply – laundry actually does multiply when we are not looking. And when we ARE looking at the laundry, the dishes are multiplying. It is a conspiracy!

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      I’ve often wondered the same things. If you figure it out, you will share the information, won’t you? 😀

      Love the new look!

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      1. Why would lenders rather end up owning a house they can’t unload, instead of selling it to the current buyer at a lower price?

      They stand on principal.

      2. Why do makers of small children’s programming use such annoying and repetitive songs and chants?

      Because small children are repetitive and annoying.

      3. Why do some people seem to have an easier time staying up all night and sleeping during the day?

      Duh – they’re vampires.

      4. Why do people always want your attention when you’re trying to concentrate on something, and not during the several hours on either side when you aren’t?

      Ignore your kids and read my comments now, please.

      5. Why does it take so much to motivate people to clean up after themselves? Shouldn’t a clean and tidy living space be enough motivation?

      I’m afraid of open spaces.

      6. Why are fleas so hard to kill?

      They keep running away.

      7. Why do kids not hear their parents when they’re standing a foot away, but they can hear the tiniest sound of candy wrapper from the opposite end of the house?

      I think it must have to do with the pitch…

      8. Why are people more willing to clean up for company than for family (you know, the family that LIVES here)?

      The same reason I don’t go to my company’s house and clean it – I didn’t make the mess!

      9. Why does it appear that laundry reproduces when we aren’t looking?

      It’s modest and doesn’t want you to watch.

      10. Where did the years go?

      Check your midriff or behind you…

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      Now, Ken. You know fully well that the answer to #6 is “They keep fleeing.” 😛

      #1 is why it took months and months to get an accepted offer on our place. Freddie Mac was getting bail-outs for sitting on properties. When those started to dry up, they started releasing properties.

      #4 is inevitable when I am the middle of a new graphic or code or something that can*not* (but will) be interrupted.

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