Ten things

1. Life is brief. A dear friend was just fine last Tuesday, and tonight her empty shell is buried in the ground, leaving behind friends and family that miss her, and precious memories.

2. Memories are precious. Don’t underestimate the power of making good memories.

3. Smile. You don’t know who will be blessed by your smile.

4. If you have something kind or uplifting to say, say it. Don’t wait – you may not have a chance to say it later.

5. If you have something unkind or cutting to say, bite your tongue. Life is too short to be negative.

6. A headache is terrible for concentration.

7. If you use a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor – you’ll know that the name is a lie.

8. ASL is an absolutely beautiful language.

9. Cuddle with your littles while you can – they don’t stay little long.

10. It’s bedtime. Good night, all!

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