Lasagna – the veggie way!

OK, so we like lasagna. However, since we have been trying to eat modified-McDougall, we decided to adjust it a little. And this is NOT, by the way, a McDougall-friendly recipe, but it also isn’t quite as bad as “real” lasagna.

Saturday, I boiled 10 pounds of chicken. I used part of it in chicken pot pie (that recipe will be posted next time I make it, so I can include pictures ๐Ÿ™‚ ), and part of it in tonight’s lasagna, and the rest will be used in sandwiches for lunch tomorrow. The broth was used to cook the lasagna noodles, and the remainder will go in the freezer for soup sometime in the future.

So, anyway. I deboned the chicken; Rachel cooked the noodles. I put noodles in the pan, followed by a layer of chicken pieces, a layer of frozen mixed vegetables, a layer of cottage cheese, a layer of spaghetti sauce, and topped with some more noodles. Since my large pan was unavailable, I ended up using two smaller pans, which worked out well since one was then made with more vegetables, less chicken, and no cottage cheese (for Rachel, mainly, who isn’t supposed to have cheese). Then I covered them with foil and baked at 350F for about 30 minutes (mainly to heat things through).

Here’s the result (after we’d already eaten – I forgot to take a picture when it came out of the oven!) :
The larger one with cheese
(The larger one, with cheese)

The smaller, cheeseless one
(The smaller, cheeseless one)

It didn't really *slice*
(It didn’t really *slice* — and that’s Nate’s smile ๐Ÿ™‚ )

A little of both kinds
(Rae’s plate – a little of both kinds because it just isn’t lasagna without cheese! Although the non-cheese one tasted delicious, even without cheese ๐Ÿ™‚ )

Even Sarah loved it!
Even Sarah loved it!

John Luke didn't want to be left out ;-)
John Luke didn’t want to be left out ๐Ÿ˜‰

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