February Update Letter

Greetings! I hope this update finds you well and happy!

Nate's Cake

Nathaniel turned 10 last month! It’s hard to believe he’s in double-digits already! We had a small party with his paternal grandparents and a family we see often. He was thrilled with the Playmobil castle set I was able to find on sale for him.


Robby was chosen to be a deacon at our church, and was ordained on the 24th of January. It is an honor and a responsibility!

Sarah and Cake

On the 28th, we celebrated another birthday, of our friends’ son, who turned 9. Sarah Ruth greatly enjoyed her piece of cake!

She loves to look at books, and if handed a pencil and paper, she will hold the pencil “properly” and “write” on the paper! It’s neat to watch her.

JANUARY 31, 2010

At the beginning of February, John Luke decided to cut his own hair again. Thankfully, Mammaw was able to trim it so that it didn’t look terrible.

Dawn and Sarah

Rachel took this picture of me and Sarah.

Nathaniel got baptized this month, also. He was able to be baptized by his Pawpaw, so that was a special event!

God bless!

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