December Update

Can you believe 2009 is over already? It seems like it only just started!!

Rachel is still enjoying doing crocheted items. She finished a hat/scarf combination, two or three scarves, and some clothing for a stuffed animal; and she has started an afghan that is already getting pretty big! She is a big help with cooking and caring for her baby sister.

I was blessed with new glasses in November. Through a program called Vision USA, I was given an eye exam and a pair of glasses at no cost to me. I also purchased a second pair from for about $30 total (including shipping).

We were able to go to my mom’s for Thanksgiving. Timmy greatly enjoyed his week there with his grandparents. We enjoyed a couple days with my parents and my brother and his family. My family had a great time with Granny’s pool table!

We celebrated John Luke’s 4th birthday there, also (on the 27th). Granny got him a chocolate-chocolate-chocolate cake. Yummy!!

Sarah Ruth will stand when leaning against something very well! She loves to hold on to people and stand up. I expect her to gain confidence and begin walking almost before we know it!

Nathaniel sang “Amazing Grace” for a special at church one Wednesday night, with accompaniment by Bobby on the piano.

I can’t resist sharing a photo of a most delicious lunch that Rachel concocted for us one day. The filling on the sandwich is rice and vegetables, and a slice or two of honey smoked turkey, on Italian bread, accompanied by kiwi, cucumber, and carrots. It was wonderful!

Gingerbread failOn the other end of the food spectrum, we have our failed first attempt at a gingerbread house! We found out that the recommendation of letting the house “set” for an hour before decorating is a good one to follow. Our roof fell in. Nevertheless, the gingerbread tasted excellent and we enjoyed THAT, anyway!

John Luke is quite a character! In the nursery at church one service, he decided it would be fun to climb up on the side of the crib and “hang” himself by the shoulder strap! Of course I had to get a picture of him before I got him down! During the same service, Sarah Ruth decided she likes the sippy cup that the church provides for the babies! (She is currently the only baby.)

Well, that about sums us up for now! I hope this finds you healthy and happy, and may God bless you greatly during this special holiday season as we celebrate His Son’s birth, and may you have a wonderful New Year as well!

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