Book Review – Redefining Beautiful by Jenna Lucado

RedefiningBeautifulcover Have you had an easy life with a loving father? This book is for you. Have you had a hard life with a mean father? This book is for you. Have you floated along, with ups and downs? This book is for you!

Jenna discusses how our earthly father affects our lives, and especially our view of our Heavenly Father. She also shows how that can change if the view we get is negative, by spending time with our “Heavenly Dad.”

This is very much a reader-participation book, and it is a good thing. She covers both good and bad aspects of every girl’s life and discusses how her life is affected by these things.

The only thing I didn’t like was that she uses a variety of Bible translations. I prefer to use the King James Version exclusively, and she does not. Not a deal-breaker for this book, but just a preference of mine.

I especially enjoyed Jenna’s comments on adoption, where she talks about how birth can be “unplanned” but there is no way for an adoption to be unplanned, therefore it is an excellent analogy for what God does with us. We cannot “accidentally” join God’s family – it is planned, and we are loved!

“Beautiful” is redefined according to how GOD sees us – not how others see us. And this is an excellent thing for all our daughters to learn.

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