Learning about the human body

No, I’m not taking anatomy lessons. I’m doing research based on issues that have cropped up here.

First, a few years ago, I learned about how the gall bladder works – its function in the body. I found that the gall bladder is to the body what the oil filter is to a car, and bile is to the gall bladder what oil is to the oil filter. The bile cleans out the fat-related toxins (the “dirt in the oil”). Then there’s fiber. Soluble fiber binds to the bile and takes it out of the body. When one does not eat enough soluble fiber, the bile (and the toxins it contains) are reabsorbed and taken back to the gall bladder, where eventually the toxins form sludge, then stones.
However, there is good news! When one eats enough soluble fiber, the whole situation can be reversed! As the fiber removes bile, new bile is made. This new bile is clean, with no toxins, and it dilutes the toxin-filled bile. The more new bile, the cleaner the whole of the bile gets, even breaking down stones and removing sludge, until the gall bladder is once again working at optimum levels.

My newest research has been on diabetes (specifically, type 2). I learned that one of insulin’s main functions is to push fat into the fat cells, to be stored for the future when there is no food (which is unlikely to happen anytime soon for most people in the USA). Eventually, the fat cells reach a saturation point. God set it up so that when this happens, the cells’ insulin receptors begin to resist. This is to keep us from becoming 1000 pounds. (Those who DO get that big, usually have something that “went wrong” that allowed the insulin to continue working.) This is known in the medical community as “insulin resistance.” They treat this as a disease, but it is actually SUPPOSED to happen! The problem isn’t the receptors, which are working as God designed. The problem is the continued improper ingestion of the body’s owner. The body has to “reject” calories, and so it begins to push the excess glucose into the kidneys to be processed and removed. Eventually the kidneys cannot keep up, and, like a dam overwhelmed, the glucose spills over into the urine. At this point, they diagnose Type II diabetes.

Most of the time, they will then “treat” the symptom (because Type II diabetes is NOT a disease! It is the body working as it was designed, and is actually a SYMPTOM) with medicines that make the insulin work again to push fat into the (already overloaded) fat cells. That is why many – maybe most – Type II diabetics gain weight when they begin the medication.

So how does one cure the disease that causes Type II diabetes? Well, it isn’t really a disease at all! The whole thing can be fixed by eating properly (avoid sugar and refined foods, and make meats and dairy *treats* instead of *regular fare*) and exercising. The loss of weight one experiences by following this sort of lifestyle will cause the symptoms to lessen, and eventually disappear, because the fat cells will cease to be overloaded and insulin’s function will once again be able to work properly.

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