
So, we’ve found this stuff called XanGo. My sister-in-law and family found out about it first, and she was telling us about how much better she’s been feeling, and what a difference it had made. She had my mom-in-law try it.

Now, Mom has had trouble with her feet for many years, including several surgeries. After a couple weeks using XanGo, she actually can walk without pain! So we decided to try it.

My husband has several health issues. One thing for sure is that his blood pressure has been just above the “borderline” line (on those machines at Walmart and places like that) for as long as I’ve known him (over 17 years now)… and after one WEEK using XanGo, his blood pressure was down well below the line.

I have been using it, as well, and we ran out earlier in the week. During the few days we didn’t use it, I realized that my knees (with which I’ve had problems overnight at times, with some pretty severe pain) hadn’t been hurting at all (and yesterday, they DID again… and today we are back on XanGo).

So what is this amazing substance? It’s a very expensive juice, from a fruit called mangosteen, that is sold primarily in a multi-level-marketing scheme. Yeah, like Amway… but so much better. Because it isn’t *about* selling. It’s about health. It’s about feeling better than ever. And it isn’t a requisite to “sign up” – you can buy it without signing up. But if one signs up and tells others, it is *possible* to get to a point where commissions pay for the juice one uses, so it’s just kind of a side benefit, in my opinion. We’re going to use it anyway, so we may as well be helping the people in our “upline” (which include Mom and my sister-in-law… so why not?).

We have a page set up at http://xango.rdcss.com … and of course a search on XanGo is sure to turn up information. No pressure… I’m not a pressure kind of person… but I am pretty impressed with this stuff, and it’s just fruit juice.

Ok, that’s my sales pitch for today ::giggle::

2 thoughts on “XanGo

    • Author gravatar

      Meh, I have to admit that being sent to a page that doesn’t really SAY much besides “click here to request info!” is a pet peeve of mine 🙂
      how much is in a bottle? how much is a ‘therapeutic serving’ ? (i.e. how long does a bottle last?) how much does it cost? I noticed (elsewhere) that Xango is a blend of juices – what makes it better than the 100% mangosteen juices on the market?

    • Author gravatar

      25 oz in a bottle. 3 oz a day, theoretically (although their info varies between 1-5oz, depending. We’re doing the 3oz). The suggested retail is $40/bottle including shipping (which is a bit higher due to the bottle being GLASS)…but if you join up ($35) then you can get it wholesale ($25/bottle plus shipping)… and I didn’t know there WERE 100% mangosteen juices on the market LOL but Robert says the difference is the flavor — 100% has a more bitter taste (not unlike straight cranberry vs mixed cranberry).

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