My Three Dads

It’s Father’s Day, again. I kind of fell down on the job, this year, though. I did the moms up good at Mother’s Day (photo books for each of them) but totally flaked on the dads. But anyway, here’s just a little about them, in order of when I first met them 😉 :

My father (Ross O’Shaughnessy b.8/25/1947 d.10/10/2002)
I am thankful that I was brought up in a Christian home. My dad accepted Christ when I was 2, and our whole family went to church regularly all my childhood. We nearly always sat on the 2nd row from the front. We participated and were very involved.
My dad was artistic and musical. He “played with” the trombone (he did quite well, for never having had a single lesson). We each played an instrument (my mom plays the accordion, my brother plays the trumpet, and I play the violin) and we played at church and for nursing homes. We had a nursing home ministry for several years.
My dad and I had our clashes, but as many things as I disliked about him, it wouldn’t have been the same growing up without him. He was a charismatic personality and I can’t really remember anyone that just didn’t like him. He definitely kept things interesting.

My father-in-law (Ron Harvey b.10/20/1944)
I met Dad the winter of 1990, when I went home with Robby for Thanksgiving.
Dad is a pastor (has been since long before I ever met him) and we have been members of his churches most of our married life (he’s had two in that time – one of which he is still pastoring, and of which we are still members). He is pretty even-keeled and has a good sense of humor.
He has very neat handwriting. He is artistic and has a very good eye. He also plays the trombone; I don’t know if he’s ever had lessons or not. He is very good with the grandkids, and will sometimes take them places just because, and is an excellent role model for my boys. He’s a hard worker and stays busy.
I am very blessed to be related to this man!

My dad (Dusty Gee b.7/12/1946)
My mom married Dusty in 1993, I believe. Might have been 1992. It’s been quite a few years, anyway 🙂 [Edited to add: My mom told me it was 1995. I was close ;)] Dusty is a Southerner for sure (nothing wrong with that!), and embodies many good qualities one expects from a Southerner – friendly, lovable, etc. He’s driven trucks for many years, and has a ‘map in his head’ – he can pretty much find his way anywhere! He fit perfectly in the family immediately, and since he joined us before my children were born, they can’t imagine him ever NOT being part of our family. And, honestly, I can’t either, even though I know there was a time when he wasn’t. He has always loved our children (and us!) just as if we were his own. He’s good to my mom and it’s good to see her happy 🙂 You know that old saying, “The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother”? Well, Dusty has done that! I’m thankful God brought him into our family.

Happy Father’s Day!

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