Monday, Monday…

Why are Mondays so difficult? Getting back in the swing of things after a restful, relaxing weekend (or even after a busy, hectic weekend, for that matter) always seems difficult. It must be something about inertia… either way, the “normal, average” isn’t what the weekend was, usually.

We had my youngest sister-in-law in town for the weekend, which meant my kids had cousins here with whom to play. Now that they’ve headed home, the kids just want to keep playing, and not get down to business.

Well, it isn’t just the kids, either, I suppose. I have a lot *I* should be doing that I’m not, too.

Diligence is a character trait that is difficult to cultivate both in myself and my children. I need to work harder on that.

2 thoughts on “Monday, Monday…

    • Author gravatar

      that last part sounds familiar 😉
      Mondays are hard for me because I haven’t overcome the idea that *I* get the weekend off. Back when we had no kids and I worked, it seemed logical to not work all weekend, and I could catch up during the week. But if I don’t change my ways, we’re facing a lot of horrible Mondays, I think. :-/

    • Author gravatar

      I”m the opposite here. Mondays usually go better for me coming off the weekend. It’s ok to be flexible and if there is that one day a week you struggle with then make it an easy one you. Limit homeschooling and chores to a mininimum. BTW, there is *NO* catching up on housework because its always there and neverending. LOL!

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