Getting ready for Thanksgiving.

Beside the food, which will be ready tomorrow, and the housecleaning, which is in progress… we were challenged by our pastor to make a list of things for which we are thankful.

It would take WAY too long to do a totally comprehensive list, but I will name a sampling:

  1. My family – past, present, and future (parents, spouse, children)
  2. Good friends with whom to fellowship
  3. The house in which I live
  4. The plethora of books I am blessed to have
  5. The furniture which, while it is second-hand, provides us a place to sit, lay down, or work
  6. The business that by God’s will has provided for us since we started it
  7. A vehicle that gets us where we need to go
  8. Nice clothes to wear
  9. Plenty of good food to eat
  10. A little money left over at the end of the month occasionally

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