*Name Withheld* wrote:

Note: dh=dear husband, dc=dear child(ren)

actually my dh pointed this out as I was discussing with him the discussion on whether homeschooling was a biblical mandate or not and if you are *in sin* by not homeschooling.

we are to encourage one another to love our dh’s and respect them and to submit to them….and yet, what do we breed in our sister’s hearts when we basically tell them that their dh is in sin by not *doing* something?

We think that there is already a problem in Christian America with women who think they are more spiritually mature than their dh’s. And some might be…..but is it right for us to be discussing things that are going to breed discontentment in women who’s dh’s may not agree? And of course, there is always the question of whether the man is REALLY wrong and in *sin* because so many of these things are NOT clearly defined in scripture. Not trying to start another debate…..

My dh says that he wonders how different our homes would look if women were forced to *just* go to their own dh’s for guidance on these things. Just in general, how many women are not convicted by the Lord, but by other women? And if the issue was presented first to the dh just as a simple question and left it up to him to search, would the *conviction* hold? I mean, a simple question “honey, what do you think God says about thus and such?” not, “well, so and so said the bible says such and such…” Or better yet….don’t even say a word! Pray and ask God that if it is something He wants for our home, for HIM to impress our dh’s without a word from us AT ALL! Wow! Do you believe He can do that? Even if a dh is lost? If your dh is lost, do you believe that God is still Sovereign and can lead you even through your lost dh?

Dh says that most men aren’t in the Word because they don’t have to be. He maintains that it isn’t right, but that women are not giving their men a REASON to be seeking God for the family, because women are seeking other women. I tend to agree….women are very busy in Bible studies, reading books, reading blogs and reading boards. I have to admit, most women I know feel like they already know the answers…..so why ask? I wonder how many would be surprised to find out their dh’s DON’T necessarily hold the same view, but have just been going along?

Dh thinks many men are intimidated by their wife’s *supposed* spirituality.

Given there are women here who’s dh’s HAVE been the ones to lead in these areas…..but I think if everyone were honest, there are many things in our homes that are in place because of OUR lead, not because we were SILENT and let GOD lead and convict our own dh’s for their OWN home.

I wonder how many dh’s, whether lost or saved, WOULD step up and lead, if they felt like their wives and families NEEDED a leader?

Just some thoughts….at any rate, I think we are gravely wrong to EVER encourage, or cause, a wife to look upon her dh as if he is *less* than she spiritually….in any way. God is sovereign….even a *lost* dh can be won without a word….

Maybe it’s time for us to hush.

I agree with this lady and her husband!

In the course of the discussion (it was on a message board – I got permission to use it), another lady said something along the lines of that would mean we shouldn’t have Ladies’ Sunday School classes or Bible studies. I agree, too, with that. I believe God put the man as head on purpose. I believe the Bible teaches that if a wife has a question about spiritual matters, she is to ask her husband, not her gaggle of friends. Do I always follow that? Sadly, no… but this has made me really think.

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