2006 in (blog) Review

Got this from StIrene‘s blog:

Year in Review
Go to the FIRST BLOG of each month for the past year.
Copy-n-paste the LAST SENTENCE of each blog.
That is your Year in Review.

January: Tonight he fell asleep on my lap; I laid him in the basket where he continued sleeping; and when I headed for bed, I picked up the whole basket, carried it to my room, and set it in the bassinet, with nary a peep from John Luke!

February: Bummer.

March: 2 miles so far!

April: Photos are available at http://dpenguin.rdcss.com/20060331/

May: Yikes.

June: Talk about “taxation without representation!??? Ugh.

July: And now, on Sunday, I’m relaxing!!

August: Very enjoyable, poignant, and well written.

September: Lame post, eh.

October: Argh.

November: Apparently Magic Erasers aren’t as harmless as the manufacturers hope we believe… This little boy had a terrible experience, and he is not an isolated case.

December: Beautiful!

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