I changed up the comments thing.
Now you have to “register” and be “logged in” to comment. I’m sorry for the inconvenience of it, but the spam (over 1000 in 3 days!) has really gotten out of hand, badly.
Now you have to “register” and be “logged in” to comment. I’m sorry for the inconvenience of it, but the spam (over 1000 in 3 days!) has really gotten out of hand, badly.
I hope this helps cut down. That really is a lot.
When I was upgrading my MT and had my blacklist down for a few hours I got HAMMERED with hundreds and hundreds ~ more than 500 ~ in a few hours. It was awful.
did that go through 😕
okay sorry to “spam” you LOL — but I’m not getting any feedback that these are being submitted, when I hit submit my comment just disappears. So let me know if you didn’t see them, ha ha ha ha ha.