ok, THAT was seriously weird

So, I’m dreaming along this morning…

There’s this guy, “David,” who has a huge house/office building. He is in some sort of business where he brings people to his building and then tries to get them to buy stuff. Some do. The others get taken back home. (Very nice car, too.)

So, I’ve been there three or four times, enjoying the hospitality but not buying.

Finally, he takes our whole family there, along with a friend’s boy. As they come in, David gives each child a golden dollar coin. The friend’s child says to David, “I see there’s seven more children.” When they get back to the room (in which I am already, doing some sort of puzzle that apparently I did every time I was there, in a notebook), Robby berates the boy for saying anything, and when the boy leaves the room, he tells me, “I know he said that because he saw seven more golden dollars on the table.”

I finish my puzzle and the rest of the family has gone off somewhere, so I wander down the hall. I find a nursery where there are 20 or 30 babies and toddlers. I look through trying to find John Luke, who apparently *should* have been there. I ask a worker, since I don’t see him, and she tells me that maybe he’s in the shower machine and to just wait a minute. When the child in the machine comes out, it isn’t John Luke. I look through one more time, then leave the nursery, furious.

I stomp into the nearby library (which, on a couple tables, had a salesperson and merchandise surrounded by couples shopping) and tell the woman behind the desk to “Please page David.” I was very stern and obviously upset. I walked back to the doorway of the library, and into the large hallway, and saw a line of nursery workers taking the babies and toddlers upstairs. Several other upset parents and I started to follow them up, but they backed us back down and then… the round center area of the floor (LARGE area) moved UP a floor. So now, we parents were TWO floors below the babies.

Then the area on which WE were turned and raised a floor – but we didn’t end up in the same location.

Just then, Robby came into the hallway in the floor below. I jumped down to him and together we found our way up into the next floor. We went into a room (still looking for John Luke) and found security monitors. I told Robby, “Now we can see where he is!”

Just as we started watching in earnest, David came in the door carrying John Luke. David was decked out with all kinds of jewelry (both male and female type jewelry) and handed us the baby. We accused him of taking him to try to force us to buy, and he sheepishly agreed. We said now we had him back if he’d just let us leave, we’d say no more about it.

At that moment, the phone rang, and I woke up.

1 thought on “ok, THAT was seriously weird

    • Author gravatar

      Ok. That was weird. But…uh…I enjoyed reading it. LOL It was very entertaining and I even got caught up in your emotions. So even tho it was weird, there must be something in there that we moms recognize and are NOT OK WITH! Got it, David?! Don’t mess with us!

      LOL Alright, now I’ve just made it weirder. LOL

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