More Random Thoughts

I’m up way too late. I really ought to go to bed when I’m *ready*… it’s when I push past that, that I end up staying up too late.

My husband has a PDA. It has a game on it called “swars” which is a space-type text trading game. The object is to retire (after 50 turns) with the most cash. It’s an addicting little game. Can’t find it for PC though, nor can I find the PDA game anywhere *else*.

I have a tooth with a partial root canal. I never went in to have it finished. It doesn’t hurt, because it has no nerve. I suspect, however, that if it had a nerve, it would hurt. I can “feel” it if I push on my face just below the cheekbone. I can “feel” it if I push by my nose, or under my nose on that side. That is also the side of my throat that has been sore for a couple weeks now (I attributed it to sinus… maybe it is, maybe it isn’t). I wonder if I should make an appointment to have it pulled. I strongly feel that I will be one of those elderly ladies who has false teeth. So many of my teeth hurt at times, that I think I’d be perfectly happy in some ways to have none at all. I hate to say that. My husband really wants me to keep my own teeth, but I just don’t know.

Along the same lines, I really need to get my dc in to have THEIR teeth taken care of. The older three each have something that needs attention. I have a list of 4 local dentists that accept our insurance; just need to get an appointment with one of them.

I got some of my bedroom picked up – the clothes that needed to be put away, are. We can walk behind the bed again, and get into the 2nd closet (storage closet). It’s good.

There’s a thing in Huntsville tomorrow, but I doubt we’ll go. It’s $6/person for one thing, and Robby’s very busy tomorrow for another thing. It looks like a great homeschool field trip, but sometimes these things just don’t work out.

This weekend is Madison Baptist Church’s annual Ladies’ Array – a meeting for ladies that includes preaching, teaching, crafts, food, and fellowship. I look forward to it every year. I find it delightful as well as convicting and inspiring. Plus, it’s nice to see the ladies there that I only see once a year.

Well, it’s 2am and I’m *supposed* to be getting up at 6 – though my clock is set for 7.

Good night.

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