
I’m not an exemplary housekeeper. Never have been. It isn’t my mom’s fault – she taught me how to do everything necessary. It’s my own. I’m a procrastinator. Have been most of my life (if not all of it). I know what needs to be done, but I “don’t wanna” do it. So, since I’m an adult, often I choose *not* to.

I have improved. I do better now than I did several years ago. Also, I have older children who are helpful. There is marked improvement.

*IF* you’d seen it before.

If you’ve never seen my house, you might not think it was all that great now. But trust me, it’s improved.

My goal is to have it where we can spontaneously invite company for dinner “tonight” and not have to have 2-3 days to make sure everything is done.

1 thought on “Housekeeping

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      I can relate. I’ve gotten better, too, but still have a lot to learn. But I’m down to a 1-day panic, as opposed to 2-3 days, for dinner guests. Actually I could do a “tonight” most nights if I had a few hours notice and an idea for the meal … meal ideas panic me more …

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