“No Choice”???

Oh, brother!!

The political cartoonists are screeching about “no choice” in South Dakota. I beg to differ!

People are no longer allowed to have abortions — to KILL their babies — in South Dakota. Yay, SD!

They do, however, have a CHOICE. They *choose* whether they will have sex – “protected” or otherwise. They *choose* to be intimate with people, KNOWING it could cause a baby to be conceived. They choose BEFORE conception. Once conception occurs, there is a baby. A human being. A CHILD.

How can *any* self-respecting person view that baby as a “choice”? The choice has been made.

I do not understand how any self-respecting DOCTOR can perform abortions. They are going directly against the hippocratic oath when they do — and they no doubt know it. As early as 8 weeks, the baby *LOOKS* like a baby. Before that, it is obviously LIFE.

In my opinion, a doctor who is willing to perform an elective abortion (that is, one not necessitated by an ectopic pregnancy) should have his medical practice license yanked.

That’s my opinion.

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