
I meant to comment on Sunday’s sermons.

First of all, I enjoyed listening to him, because he grew up in Ireland and has a very Irish brogue. (For those who might know him, or know of him, this is Tom Fittis, missionary to Northern Ireland.)

Sunday morning’s sermon was on unity – Psalm 133. I knew I should’ve typed this up yesterday. I’ve already forgotten too much of what I wanted to remember. It isn’t easy to take notes with a nursling on one’s lap… but the main idea was that the church should be characterized by fellowship and love one for another. If people come into the church and the atmosphere could be cut with a knife, that is not God-honoring and that church may as well lock its doors until the members work things out so they can show God’s love through their eyes and hearts and mouths.

Sunday evening’s sermon was about “Open your Hanky” — talking about when the man gave his servants pounds and they either invested or hid it… and how if only the one who’d hid it had invested it, he could have made a difference. And that we, too, should open our “hanky” and use what God has given us to make a difference.

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