Happy Birthday to me!

Well, as of today, 35 years have passed since I was born. For the next six weeks, I’m the same age as my brother (though he would vehemently deny it).

I made myself a cake – there was some fondant left from earlier in the week – and decorated it.

It’s been a very neat day. Our church is having a missionary emphasis this month, and today’s missionary is from Northern Ireland. He played the bagpipes (which was VERY cool) and also played guitar and sang.

I had lots of good wishes, and several cards, and a few very thoughtful gifts.

And the boys and I got a lot done in their pigsty of a room. One can actually WALK in there now! (Though they still can’t SLEEP in there, until we get the rest of the stuff of the beds and put away.) I must keep on top of that and not let them wreak such havoc again!

And my husband is buying me Season Three of Monk! I’m looking forward to getting that!

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