Date #3

Today was Tim’s turn. We started off by swimming – he did great! His favorite “camp” story from 2 years ago was that he squeaked past the swim test, jumped in the deep end, and nearly drowned!! But now he can actually swim well enough.

After that, we went to eat at Captain D’s (a fish place similar to Long John Silver’s), and picked up cinnamon twists for dessert at Taco Bell. Then we went to KMart, where he didn’t find anything he was interested in, except a couple of quarter machines on the way out, so we went to Wal*Mart.

At Wal*Mart, he decided to get two big balls (one for him, and one for Bob for his birthday next month), some M&Ms, and some Reese’s Pieces. He was very generous with everything he got!

And, not only did we have a great time… he told me while we were eating at Captain D’s that it was the best day of his life.

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