Date #1

I have set up days to have a “date” with each of my children, one on one. Today was Bob’s turn (age 12). I told him we had $20, and he could choose what to do.

First we went swimming for an hour ($4), and then we went by Unclaimed Baggage and picked him up a military jacket that my MIL bought for him (they had a bunch of Army, one Navy, and one Air Force. He chose the AF one, which had belonged to a Major). After that, we ate at Zaxby’s ($10.50) and got dessert at Dairy Queen ($5). I gave him the remaining $0.50. It was really a fun time!

I’m looking forward to the other kids’ turns, too! I just hope things work out to *do* them on the scheduled day – – or sooner. In order to do it one-on-one, I need Robby to be home for a couple hours straight in the middle of the day.

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