Went to church today, and other observations

Since we went to Wal*Mart yesterday, we figured I really couldn’t get out of going to church today (hehehe)… so I bathed John Luke and dressed him in his cute little doggie-decorated footless sleeper outfit, and off we went!

Since we are upstairs for Sunday School and Jr Church, it wasn’t a problem as far as “being around people” was concerned. There’s a side room where Robby preferred that I go to feed him. I passed out thank-you notes and showed him off a little after church.

All-in-all, it went very well.

It seems, incidentally, that John Luke is turning me into a morning person. I have been falling asleep between 9 and 10 most nights and waking up between 6-7 in the morning. Sometimes we take a nap, but mostly, that’s been our hours. Very strange for me! But I rather like it, actually.

Also, to change the subject a little, I’ve discovered author Terry Pratchett. There were a couple “bad words” in the book I read, but the story was very enjoyable! It was “Going Postal” – which I picked up at an “overstock” type place for $4. The guy really has a way with words!

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