Days of Christmas

For several years now, we’ve done “12 Days of Christmas” – we got a couple nice things and a bunch of Dollar Tree type stuff, and the kids open one item a day instead of being overwhelmed with everything at once.

This year, we weren’t going to do it, but my mom-in-law told me that Timmy (9) told her that he was disappointed we weren’t doing it because he doesn’t remember ever NOT doing it (and Nate doesn’t either, for that matter)… so, we “backed up and punted” and are doing 8 days (since it was already too late for 12!). The kids bought presents for us and each other this year – first year they’ve done that – and it’s been neat. Saturday was the first day. Bob opened the HeroScape game (board type game) that I “splurged” (I was only intending to spend $30/dc but that was $40) and got him, and he is DELIGHTED with it. Nate opened his guitar (cheap, but REAL, acoustic guitar – child sized) and he, too, is delighted. Rae opened a drawing kit, and Tim opened his lightning thingy (one of those things where you touch it and the electricity goes to your hand, y’know?). I opened mine from Nate, which was a penguin with really long arms & legs (hehehe) and Robby opened his from Bobby, which was a package of socks.

Sunday, Bob opened his from Timmy – a ‘pinball/airhockey’ game for two players. Tim opened his from Rae – a ‘walkman’ cassette player. Nate opened his from me – same as Tim’s. Rae opened her watercolor-drawing kit. Robby opened his from Nate – a stretchy “koosh” ball with a light in it. And I opened mine from Bobby – soft, stretchy, STRIPED socks — I LOVE ’em!!

And today, Robby opened his from me – a satellite radio receiver; I opened mine from Rae – a calendar, a plastic massager (non-electric), and two things of lip balm (flavored). Bob opened one from Robby – DollarTree version of Magnetix. Rae opened one from me – a ‘walkman’ style CD player. Tim opened his from me – “I Spy Fantasy” pc game. Nate opened his from Bobby – a package of stretchy dinosaurs. And I opened John Luke’s from Nate – a rattle.

This is really a fun way to extend the season. Instead of a month of prep for ten minutes of fun… we have a couple weeks of prep for a couple weeks of fun… and we also make sure to read some out of the Bible, and sing a song or two, and pray, before opening each day’s present – so it isn’t “present-oriented” necessarily, either.

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