
I suppose it was bound to happen eventually.

I dreamed I had the baby one afternoon, and he wasn’t very alert, but sleepy, so we took him home and put him to bed in his crib. The next day, we went to a birthday party for a friend’s kid, and while the kid was opening presents, it suddenly occurred to me that we’d left the baby at home in his crib!! And he hadn’t been fed or changed since we got him home!! I raced home (which was less than a block away, in an apartment building across the parking lot) and found my husband there, at the window, patting the baby (who was fussing but not screaming like one would expect a soaked, starving baby to do) and we got in and he was ok after all (whew!!) and I woke up.

Boy was I glad *THAT* was only a dream!!

We kept calling him “her” all the way into the apartment, but when we took him out of the crib, he was a he… and I couldn’t remember what we’d named him.

Very weird.

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