We went camping over the weekend.

Overall, it was a very nice trip. The weather was beautiful during the day, and it didn’t rain at all (though one night was quite windy). The only time the cold-at-night was a problem was getting up 2x to potty!

My brother showed up about 4/5pm on Friday, and we spent a little time with them but they left about 1 on Saturday because Andy (their youngest – not quite 2) looked terrible and was getting worse. Turns out he has erythema multiforme, probably from my brother’s cold sores (which are from one of those common viruses). He is responding well to prednisone.

There were quite a few other people there, which was kind of unusual for a non-holiday weekend. The people in the next campsite over homeschooled their son… and the people in the next but one were from Pikeville, TN, which is only about 35 minutes from us! and they had a son named Cory who spent most of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with us.

A bit of a funny – at one point the dc were standing by the campfire with Cory, and the sun was shining and the weather was beautiful, and Bobby spread his arms and observed, “I don’t know how anyone could believe that evolution is true!” and Cory just looked at him, and Bob said, “YOU don’t believe in evolution, DO you??” and Cory never DID answer that one.

It would have been a practically perfect weekend, if my behind/leg hadn’t been hurting so bad. I used a metal chair as a walker around the campsite, and that helped some, but it got progressively worse to where I begged Robby to drive me back from the outhouse (maybe 2/10 of a mile) rather than trying to walk. When we got home, I cried all the way into the house, and wasn’t sure I was going to make it. Took a hot shower/bath and went to bed.

This morning, I could get to the bathroom, and managed the living room (obviously, since I’m at my computer) but I couldn’t do much and it’s quite annoying.

Oh, and I think I got sunburned a bit on my head/forehead and forearms.

Oh, again… I got several compliments on how helpful my older two children were – from at least three different people! I’m very proud of them!

This afternoon, Robby got me in to the chiropractor, which helped a little – I can walk – but I still hurt some.

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