Weird dream this morning

I had a weird dream this morning; we were in a different house – which was MUCH larger inside than it was outside, due to having much underground – and had several people over – including ladies I know from online (LeeAnne, BrandyR, Tina, and Lynn) and their children. They were so much fun to be with!! and I hated when I realized it was only a dream.

I wish I could draw this house. The living room was wider than it was deep, and there was a hallway off to the left. Just behind the living room (with a wall between) was the kitchen. The hallway at left had five or six doors (rooms) off it to either side. The left side wall to the right of the hallway in the kitchen area had a small staircase going up to another door, which opened out into a ‘common room’ with four rooms off it. I remember thinking “Hey! This would be perfect to move the kids up here into their own rooms, and have the main rooms downstairs for library, crafts, school, etc.” Then somewhere… I think off the other end of the ‘common room’ upstairs, maybe? there was another door, with stairs going down. Downstairs there was a HUGE area – I think it was a factory of some kind – and after that a hallway, then a large area, where the roof was much higher and well-lit, and painted as though it were outside, then after that something else I can’t remember, and at the very end (a couple hours’ walk from the original down-staircase) was a little restaurant/bar. It was really incredible.

Even without the basement area, I really liked the layout of the house.

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