I have a vision

…for my bedroom. Well, for my whole house, really. But I’m not positive it’s attainable.

In my head, my bedroom has a bed; a nightstand on my side with a light, my Bible, and whatever book I’m reading at the time and a drawer to hold my glasses, barette, notebook, and pencil/pen; a dresser with our clothes inside and nothing on top except Robby’s glasses, Bible, and pen; and a computer – maybe two: Robby’s and the TV computer. Robby’s in some sort of armoire so that it can be closed and locked – and since there would be nothing else in there, it would be a safe place to let the dc (when our friends are here) to watch cartoons.

In my head, the kids’ bedroom has either a futon or those neat-o chair/bed things which can be out of the way during the day but they can sleep on ’em at night. Their dresser for clothes, which will have a drawer for each of them on top for their special things, and that’s all.

In my head, the living room has some floor space. My computer is in here and the kids’ computers are also. There are places to sit, tray tables to be set up if needed, and everything is organized. There is no clutter.

In my head, the bookshelves hold card-catalogued (by the Dewey Decimal system) books, in order, neatly.

In my head, the kitchen is neat and tidy, clean, and organized. Things are always where they belong when not being used. Under the sink is not wet and mildewy, but neat and organized with those things we use occasionally but not often.

Sigh. It’s a much nicer place in my head.

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