Another weird dream!

First there was a wedding between Donny and someone. Donny had (at least) a little brother. My mom took pictures of them and put them into frames for gifts to the couple. I vaguely recall some rehearsal bits and a little of the wedding itself, but not much.

We lived in an apartment down the hill from a school that had a square, concrete-lined lake in front. One of the kids (I’m thinking Nate, older) was wanting to show me the school so I finally reluctantly followed him around the lake (he went THROUGH the edge of it, which was quite shallow). The school was having a sale. In one section, they had free stuff, which included a flannelgraph of “Jojo” (supposed to be Jonah but I clearly remember it was labeled “Jojo”) of which they had two copies, and construction paper which was torn out of the big package into sections of two colors, and some other things I can’t remember.

When I finished picking through the stuff, I wandered around looking for Rachel, and in the process saw on one shelf a frame – empty – from one of the pictures my mom had made for Donny.

I saw Rachel ahead of me and started walking a little faster to catch up. She didn’t notice I was there until I got right up behind her. When she turned around, saying, “Oh! I didn’t know you were there!” Donny’s little brother (slightly older than Rachel) came up behind ME and said, “She’s been following you for a while, about as long as I have.” He was totally enamored of her, and kept trying to get her to kiss him. She refused. I encouraged her refusal and attempted to encourage HIM to not be so freely-giving of HIS heart.

We got in the car and headed down the hill to home. As we rounded a corner, we had to slow down because a red helicopter was trying to land in the intersection (at which we needed to turn). Robby slowed down, but didn’t stop, and when it raised up just a little to move over a smidge, Robby zipped under it, but couldn’t turn because the copter was in the way. Another was landing right behind THAT one, and as he went past IT as well, we saw a house, dark and sparkling with inner flames. We looked, fascinated, for a minute or two, then Robby said, “Well, we’ll have to go all the way back to the interstate.”

Then I woke up.

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