Weird dream again

I dreamed I (and my family and my inlaws) was at some sort of huge place with lots of people (this seems to be a recurring theme in my dreams… I wonder if that “means” anything?). There was a man there who was “interested” in me, by the name of John McRae (No, I do not know a “John McRae” in real life, nor was he at all familiar), who called me and I told him that I was married, sorry, and went on with life.

About two days later, my dh died a sudden death. I can’t remember of what.

As I was wandering about in shock, John turned up again, at which point I told him what happened. He did NOT try to press an advantage, but just offered sympathy. He apparently had been widowed (widowered?) since I recall a child about 3yo being introduced to me; and I remember introducing him to my MIL.

All in all, a very very strange dream!!

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