Weird Dream!

My dream semi-parallelled life – Robby & I both have an appt at 9am today and the dc are going to his parents’ house.

I dreamed that I was getting ready to go to an appointment – but instead of living at home with my family, I was in a big room and had a roommate. My roommate was my sweet friend Faith (whom I’ve never met in person, but I love dearly!) and I was trying desperately to find something to wear that wasn’t dirty. The things were not just “worn” dirty, but filthy dirty. She hovered for a bit, trying to help me find something but she wasn’t any more successful than I was, so she finally gave up. Digging through one pile, I found a rust-colored wrap-around skirt that was very full, and it – with a little stretching – fit me, so I wore that, and then a white button-down shirt that looked very like a man’s dress shirt, but the buttons were on the proper side to be a woman’s.

I went down and got in the car with the kids. Bob & Tim got in the back seat and I was in the passenger seat. Robby got in the back next to the boys and Rachel got into the driver’s seat with Nate on her lap! I turned and looked at Robby and said, “Why are you back there??” and he looked at Rae & Nate and shrugged.

I can’t remember who drove, but when we got there, my keys were in the ignition. We dropped the dc off and I went to my appt and Robby went to his – in the car with my keys. Which didn’t register until Mara (who was there when I finished my appt) and I walked back to the hotel (I assume it was a hotel). I went around behind the desk and started looking for my keys. Filip was there doing guard duty and someone else I know but can’t remember who it was, was sweeping the floor. I started writing a note that I couldn’t get in my room because Robby had my keys. The one who was sweeping came over (walking quietly – not sneaking but it had that effect) to see what I was writing and when I noticed him, I jumped, even though I wasn’t writing anything bad or private.

Then I woke up.


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