Ok, yet another odd dream…

I woke up suddenly (and completely) at 3:00am today at the conclusion of this dream.


The main character was an old woman named Alecia. She had trouble speaking clearly and was quite short and a bit overweight. Her main objective in life was to care for plants and animals.

The area in which she spent the most time was a clearing that contained an old barn, not excessively huge, probably 12 feet tall, and 9 feet wide.

As we were driving in a fifteen-passenger van (my mom was driving) on the road that curved around by the barn, the entire front of the barn fell off and lay there blocking the road. My mom could not drive over it, as it had nails (in pairs) sticking up at intervals all the way around the frame where it attached to the rest of the barn.

I got out of the van and, grabbing one side of the barn front, dragged it easily off to the other side of the clearing, near a big tree.

We continued to the meeting we were on our way to; which seemed to be a convention of Worth people, with Jax presiding. There were quite a few empty seats in the area where I was; there were only four others sitting near me – three in the same row (one on my left and two on my right) and one two rows up, to the left of us. Jax asked for some names to put on a list for something – I can’t remember what. He looked over at us and spoke the names of the five of us in the area where I was sitting. He wrote down the name of the one two rows ahead, paused, and said, “Now, do I try to get EVERYONE in, or do I leave some out and take a chance on hurt feelings?” to which I answered, “You can leave me out” and one on each side of me agreed “Me, too.” So he did.

When the meeting was over, I got a phone call from a caretaker that Alecia had told him that under the barn front that I had moved, she had found some dying baby (birds? I think?) that needed care.

I went to help Alecia. For the next two days, I helped her and was careful to listen carefully to her and learn and understand what she was saying. I was very glad I had, because on the 3rd day I went to help her and found her dead.


That’s when I woke up.

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