Surreal Dream

At one point, I was in the hospital. Something had happened to my legs – not sure what. A very dear friend was there, holding my hand an encouraging me. I went home, in a wheelchair (to a quite large apartment), determined to do more letter writing . When I got home, my mom was there and she had just had a baby. The baby was hungry, so I went ahead and tried feeding him. It appeared I had milk, after all. My mom decided to go out for something (I don’t remember what) and as she opened the door, there was an apartment across the field (small field) where there was a male living, who was in his living room unclothed (!!!)

I was somewhere far away from home. I was in this group where people were learning to draw by pairing off – one teacher / one student – and being tutored… but sort of a distance learning thing. I was doing a drawing of a horseshoe and two cows, one of which was running into and being choked by the arm of the horseshoe (yeah, I know, I know. Weird!). My father and someone else who appeared to be either a close friend of his or his roommate were also there. But my father “wasn’t really there” as he died in 2002 – even in the dream. We (father, friend, and I) were at the house (in the yard) of this guy who taught… something… I don’t remember what. My father was wanting to learn but they guy wanted $1000. My father looked at me and I shrugged and said, “=I= don’t have it!” So he started trying to negotiate – not very nicely. I walked into the nearby kitchen (yes, we WERE outside, but there was a kitchen there, nevertheless!) and the friend followed me and we started discussing my father’s behaviour and then I woke up.

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